1~Chapter One~1

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'Beep Beep Beep' my alarm clock blared at exactly 6:02 a.m. First day of 10th grade, don't fuck it up, Captor. I set my 3-D glasses on the bridge of my nose and randomly grabbed a black Gemini shirt, gray jeans, and black converse. I slipped the clothes on with ease and went to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and hair, and decided to see if Mituna was awake.      

"MITUNA!!!" I called.

"WHAT SOL?" he groaned.


"NOPE, I ALREADY ATE, SO GET YOUR OWN LAZY - ASS!" he hollered back. I just shrugged, decided to skip breakfast and walked straight to school, slinging my red and blue bag over my shoulder I left the house, slamming the front door.

 I arrived at school within ten minutes. I had just transferred to that school so I have no friends, great. I went straight to Math, my first class. Well, I TRIED to, I had no fucking clue where it was. So I just randomly walked around until I found it. I entered the room and sat in the front left corner, no one occupied the seat next to mine, and I hoped no one would, it was the only empty seat left. BUT NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, someone walked in and occupied that seat, that damn seat. He had raven black hair, brown-red eyes, and he was SO DAMN short and skinny. He wore a black long sleeve shirt, gray skinny jeans, and black converse. Now that I though about it he is pretty attra- WOW, Captor, no. The teacher finally walked in about two minutes later.

"These will be your perminent seats! So introduce yourself to your neighbor(s)," she said happily. I looked over at the pale boy, his eyes met my gaze.

"I'M KARKAT, KARKAT VANTAS, WHO ARE YOU?" he said grumpily.

"I'm Thollux, Thollux Captor. Nithe to meet you Karkat," I replied, lisping. I recognized him from PesterChum.

"SO WE GOT A LISPER HUH?" he said amused. I knew he recognized me from PesterChum, but was hiding it, it was in his eyes.

"Umm, yeth, I do infact have a lithp," I lisped again.


"Ummm, no reathon," I lied.

"DON'T LIE, TELL ME," he demanded. I groaned.

"Do I really have to?" I asked.

"YES," he replied. I took my glasses off for a moment, revealing my green-brown right eye and bright blue left eye, and then slipped them back on.

"Happy?" I asked. He nodded, smirking. He turned around and briefly spoke with the girl next to him and then class started. After five minutes the teacher noticed my glasses.

"Umm, Sollux is it?" she asked.

"Yeth?" I answered.

"You can't have those glasses on during class," she said. I took them off briefly, and slipped them back on.

"May I pleathe keep them on?" I asked.

"Fine, but talk to me after class," she agreed. I nodded in agreement. After class I approached Mrs.Gillbert's, the teacher's, desk, with my glasses off.

"Why do you hide your eyes?" she asked.

"Latht time thomeone thaw my eyeth they ran away thcreaming," I replied shyly.

"Well, they will not be tolerated in this classroom, the glasses I mean, no one will mind your eyes, Karkat is a very nice boy under that grumpy exterior and I think he will think they are great, no one else will notice. When you present things in class or whatever, I will allow the glasses, but thats it, understand?" she said.

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