chapter 2

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The day went almost normal. Key word: almost. Every time, Ronan saw me he either winked or wiggled his eyebrows at me. That led me to either scoff or blush. I didn't want my colleagues to notice his noticeable attention-giving to me. He didn't seem to mind. Nope, not at all. When the end of the work day came. Ronan was no where to be found. I was elated, I took the elevator and went down to the employee car park and got in my car and sped to my apartment.




My phone rang off.


" hey baby sis" my older brother replied.

"Diesel! Oh my gosh how've you been? You don't call since you started to work." I pouted.

"I know and I'm sorry but I need a favor, can I stay at your apartment for the next two months or so?"

"idiot, you didn't need to ask"

" I love you baby sis"

"yeah yeah, I love you too ole boy" I heard him chuckle and hang up.

Now I needed fast dinner. Chinese. I bought some Chinese and drove home.




I took the lift to my room. My apartment shouldn't have been called an apartment, it was more like a house. Because of my great former boss, the salary I received and my personality I got this apartment. I opened the door to see my older brother, Diesel chatting the world away with my boss, Ronan.

I'm dead.

I wanted to walk right back out but then both men looked up an saw me.

" hey baby sis, your boyfriend and I were just chatting." Diesel said, smiling. My brother does not smile if he's talking to his ONLY sister's boyfriend. No he does not. This is NOT a good sign. Wait-did he just say boyfriend? Oh hell no!...

" hey Diesel, hey Ronan" I locked eyes with him. He smiled. He was really cute with that smile.
"hey diesel I need to speak with Ronan" diesel didn't catch my little anger in my voice. Ronan smiled to me and got up, following me to my room.
"how did you get my address?" I asked infuriated "and along that, what were you and my brother talking about?"
"honeybee, your address is on your employee sheet and as for your brother, we just discussed things."
"things? What things?" I asked, again.
" it's nothing bad Scarlett, we just spoke, no need to worry" he assured me. I narrowed my eyes at him. I was so close to him that he was actually breathing down on me, not to mention, we had the whole room of space. He bent down to my height and his fingers raised my chin, making me look at his eyes, there were specks of yellow in them. He looked into mine.
"do you know how sexy you are when you're angry?" He asked. His expression was playful but I could see the lust there too. I blushed but couldn't hide my face. I got serious and it was only then did I realize how close we were. His steel dented abdomen was pressed onto my chest. The heat on my cheeks intensified and I pulled away.
"Agh go away!" I said pushing his chest. It was steel hard and dented to perfection like those carved Greek gods. He held my hands and, once again, pulled me to him.
"as you wish honeybee" he said, kissing my fingers. We walked out the kitchen where Diesel was sitting.
"you're going Ronan?" Diesel asked.
" yeah my girlfriend doesn't want me stay" Ronan looked at me with fake innocence. My jaw loosened as I blatantly looked at him with a 'Are you serious?'face. Diesel grinned.
" Nah you can stay, Scarlett wouldn't say no to her big brother right Scarlett?" I looked at my brother mortified. I gave in.
" alright can stay!" I huffed out. They both grinned triumphantly. I felt the ache way down to the center of my bones. I left to take a bath and a rest if necessary. I got dressed in  skinny jeans and white T-shirt, I left my hair uncombed. I sat down on the edge of my bed and a couple minutes later I was in a fetal position sleeping like a bear in hibernation.

I woke up , apparently, two hours later. I walked to the kitchen, no one was there. I heard chatter in the living room. Ronan was still there, Diesel was there and Tova, my best friend was there. They were all laughing. It was quite a sight seeing the business tycoon, Ronan Anderson, laugh. In all truth, it made my heart flutter. Wait, what are  they looking at? No, no, no! They were looking at albums, old and new. The old ones were embarrassing because there were pictures where I smeared chocolate all over my face and then one where had no front teeth but grinned anyway. The new ones had my other stuff like a summer getaway girl group camp out, star gazing, and then there were some tumblr photos, with me and my girls in oversized shorts with 'parental advisory' and 'fukk' oh let's not forget 'dope' printed in the fronts.
"oh hey sleepy head!" Tova said. I waved and sat on the couch with them. "how did you manage to keep such a big secret from me! I feel hurt you know right here" she pointed to her chest, on the right side.
"what's there?" I grinned. "your heart is over here" pointing to the left side of my upper chest. She looked mortified. I laughed out.
"if you can't place your heart how can you feel hurt, I think you need to doctor dear." I said, still in between laughs. She huffed playfully.
"I'm hungry, where's the food?" I asked.
"yours is in the microwave"
"Kay, thanks" I sat down and ate peacefully. I felt Ronan's presence behind me, that and his towering  shadow. His hands came gently down on my shoulders as he massaged them expertly. I incidentally moaned and I felt his breathing on my neck.
"you have no clue what you are doing to me right now" he said huskily to my ear. I shivered to the thought of it.
I heard footsteps.
"you know there's something called a bedroom" Tova said. " you might as well use it" I blushed and continued to eat my food.
" we might as well" Ronan whispered in my ear. I batted him away which worked as he sat down and started to chat with Diesel again. I breathed a sigh of relief.
"so is he good?" Tova asked.
"um, he's nice I guess"
"Bitch, he is the finest thing God may have produced after your brothers" she said, picking up one of my fries and pointing it to me. I laughed sound and hard. Tova had a crush on Diesel for a very long time. I would die and go to heaven of he wasn't so blind to see that.

"but yeah, I like him more than all of your ex's" she said "I think he's the one for you" I almost choked on her words.

Why does everyone like him?

Ugh this is so irritating!....

The only guy I find utterly frustrating is the guy that my older brother and best friend happen to like!

Damn you Ronan! Damn you and your godly looks!

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