Monday 19th October Algebra.

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I can't believe this. I realy can't believe this. She hasn't told him. My mother is having my Algebra teacher' baby,and she hasn't told him.I can tell she hasn't told him because when I walked im this morning all Mr Gianini said was," Oh hi Mia. How are you doing? OH HI MIA HOW ARE YOU DOING?????????? That is not what you say to someone whose mother is having your baby. You would say somthing like," Excuse me Mia, csn I see you a moment?" Then you take the daughter of the woman with whom you have committed this heinous indiscrrtion out info the hallway,where you fall on your knees to grovel and beg for her approval and forgivness. That is what you do. I can't help staring at Mr G and wonder what my baby brother or sister is going to look like. My mom is totally hot like Carmen Sandiego, only without the coat- further proof that I am a biological anomaly,since I inherited neither my mother's thick curly black hair nor her C-cup. Do there's nothing to worry about there.
But Mr G I don't know. Not that Mr G isn't good-looking, I guess. I mean he is talk and Has all of bis hair(score one for him because my dad is bald). But what is wrong with historia nostrils? I totally can not figurę it out. They are just so..........big. I hope that the kid gets my mum's nostrils and Mr G's abilaity to divide fractions in his head. That sąd thing is that he Has no idea what is about to befall him. I would feeling sorry for him if it were not for the fact that IT is all his fault. I know it taks two to tango but please, my mom is a painter and he is a Algebra teacher. You tell me who is the respponsible one.

The princess diary:Take Too.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz