Part 1

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When I was 10 years old, I never would have thought that I would do something so careless, so sneaky... So naive. It hit me without warning or notice of what I was about to experience. It portrayed itself to be so tantalizingly desirable. All it took was one hug, one text and one night for my life to completely change. I would never be the same again.

I was 15, about to turn 16 in January. We met on Halloween night volunteering at a neighborhood spook alley where my cousins lived. Visiting my friend in the mad scientist tunnel was the last thing I needed to do before I left. I had no idea what awaited me there. In a few instances I was introducing myself to a boy I'd never met before. Let's call him Jake. We both wore makeup that made our faces unrecognizable and it was already hard enough trying to identify anyone under the blacklight. He was giving me a whole lot of attention by flirtatiously attempting to scare me every moment I wasn't expecting it.

Soon enough the spook alley came to a final end for the night and season, and I found myself looking for Jake in the volunteer "cast" room where everyone went to return their costumes. I spotted him and casually approached my friend who was by him. I successfully got Jake's attention in the process and we flirted each other up silly resulting in one long goodbye hug. I remember counting at least 9 seconds in my head.

That's all it took for Jake to occupy my mind continuously until the next week when we got to see each other at the volunteer party without Halloween makeup. I pursued him the second we were set free to treat ourselves to the free food provided for us. I did not fail to recognize him. It was by the similar clothing he wore resembling the outfit I saw him in when he returned his mad scientist costume. He seemed like the sweat pants, tank top, and beanie kind of guy. I managed to get his number and lose it as soon as he left, realizing I did not save the contact I just created. There was still one hope though. I gave him my number. I was tortured by the thought that he would never text, but he finally did after a whole day and a half.
I'll never forget the text that led to the beginning of change. One night when he was feeling depressed, I asked what I could do to help because I thought I could probably relate. His response, "Nothing you would do..." What did that even mean? What was he referring to? He wanted to get out of the house. He wanted company. The thought was new and exciting to me. I'd never snuck out of the house before and I was about to break that barrier between innocence and rebellion.
I lived a whole city twelve minutes away from him, but he was willing to come to me. My mind thought and overthought what I should wear, how it would go and how long it would take him to get here. I stared out the window at the empty parking lot across the street where I told him to park. My nervousness and excitement exceeded the longer I waited. My eyes locked onto a car turning into the church parking lot. I watched it stop in the closest spot to my house as its lights went dark. I waited for a text from Jake that came seconds later, pretending not to know of his arrival.
I carefully and quietly snuck out the back entrance and made my way around to the front exposing myself in the street lights. My heart rate increased while crossing the street, glancing behind me at the house I should have been asleep in. I bent over and peered into the passenger side window at Jake with a goofy smile on my face. I physically and mentally strapped myself in, and the altering experience began...

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