Chapter 13 The Kidnapped

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~don't play song yet~

I was then knocked by the perademons. I woke up on my bed still in my dress. I felt dry tears on my face but then were saturated with more tears. I then darted up and got dressed into something more appropriate for war. Then Stephanie comes in my room before I ran out. "Natalie where are you going?" She asked. " I HAVE TO SAVE HIM!" I scream trying to leave but she holds me back. Tears are coming out of my eyes like waterfall. "I need to save him!" I say struggling. "We'll find him ok" she said.

    ~meanwhile at the dark castle~

   Ryan woke up from being knocked out. "Where..... Where am I?" He said. He tried to get free of the chains that he was in. But it was no use. Then he herd the cell door open. He looked up to see Prometheus. "Well well well who do we have here? Sorry for the trouble my guest but I need you for a very important plan" he said unlocking the chains but then wrapping them around his arm behind his back like hand cuffs. "What do you want from me, my eye!" Ryan said. "No I need Natalies eye and your going to help me get it" Prometheus said. "I would never help you!" Ryan said trying to make a run for it. As he made it to the door Trinity showed up stopping him in his tracks.

    "Aw littlest birdie wants to be free Hugh, well sorry but your my prisoner now!" Trinity said leading him into the main room of the castle. They walked by more cell that held prisoner. But the didn't look human. The creatures screamed and made many noises. When they walked into the main room he can see perademons per preparing for war. "WHO ARE WE!" "PERADEMONS!" "WHO ARE WE!" "PERADEMONS!" "MY LOYAL SUBJECTS WE WILL BE KNOWN IN HISTORY FOR DESTROYING THE DRAGON KINGDOMS!" Nethera said to the perademons. Ryan was quivering in fear. "What are you people planning" Ryan said to Trinity in a serious voice. "Oh we're planning war" Trinity said in a nonchalant way.

    Ryan let his emotions take over him his rage over whelmed him. He turned into his dragon form and broke the chains. He let out a mighty rarr. He tried to fly but Trinity held him down. "NETHERA GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE AND HELP!" Trinity said. Nethera ran over and started to help Trinity. Ryan was then chained to the wall still in his dragon form. He felt like he was suffocating. But he could still speak.

~ play song now ~

He'd trade his guns for love
But he's caught in the crossfire
And he keeps wakin' up
But it's not to the sound of birds
The tyranny, the violent streets
Deprived of all that we're blessed with
And we can't get enough, no

Heaven if you sent us down
So we could build a playground
For the sinners to play as saints
You'd be so proud of what we've made
I hope you got some beds around
Cause you're the only refuge now
For every mother, every child, every brother
That's caught in the crossfire

That's caught in the crossfire.

I'd trade my luck to know
Why he's caught in the crossfire
And I'm here wakin' up
To the sun and the sound of birds
Society's anxiety
Deprived of all that we're blessed with
We just can't get enough, no!

Heaven if you sent us down
So we could build a playground
For the sinners to play as saints
You'd be so proud of what we've made
I hope you got some beds around
Cause you're the only refuge now
For every mother, every child, every brother
That's caught in the crossfire.

That's caught in the crossfire.

   He started to struggle but didn't work. He started singing again.

Can I trust what I'm given?
When faith still needs a gun
Whose ammunition justifies the wrong?
And I can't see from the backseat
So I'm asking from above
Can I trust what I'm given, even when it cuts?

So Heaven if you sent us down
So we could build a playground
For the sinners to play as saints
You'd be so proud of what we made
I hope you got some beds around
Cause you're the only refuge now
For every mother, every child, every brother
That's caught in the crossfire
Who's caught in the crossfire
Who's caught in the crossfire
Who's caught on the cross

~stop song~

    He went unconscious cause of lack of oxygen. Tears started flowing from his eyes as he transformed back in to human form. Which loosened the chains. But he still wasn't free.

~ meanwhile at the Sky kingdom ~

     "To day we are going to war with the perademons to retrieve Ryan Nightshade!" The great sky Dragon said. My face was emotionless like I had no life left in me. I stepped forward to look over to all the dragon warriors. "This war will be known as "Dragons VS Perademons" and will be told in the history books as one of the most destructive wars, even more than the wizard and Dragon war!" I state.

"Be prepared to die and give your life for the greater good" I say. "BUT WE WILL WIN BECAUSE WHO ARE WE!" "DRAGONS!" "DID I HEAR LIZARDS? WHO ARE WE!" "DRAGONS!" Then the whole crowd cheered. I look over and I see Tyler pulling Stephanie to the side. "Stephanie we might die in this war or we'll never see each other again, but before we go to war I just want to say-" Tyler was cut of by Stephanie giving him a tight embrace. His eyes widened. "Save it for after the war blood sucker Hahahaha" her laugh had sorrow in it. He accepted her hug and a single tear fell from his face.

     "You cheeky bastard Stephanie is mine!" Zach the yelled. They both let go of the embrace and looked at Zach. Zach then realized he cant get them all. "Take care of her for me" Zach says then he walks away to join Roy. "S-shard?" Matthew asked Shard nervously as a blush grew across his face. "What is it Matthew~sama?" She questioned tilting her head. "I j-just w-anted to s-say that I l-love you, I LOVE YOU SHARD!" He let out. Crashing to the ground. Shard was speechless. "I love you too Matthew~sama" Shard said cutely then hugging Matthew witch calmed him down. Everyone was saying aw and stuff.

     I was very happy for them but I need to focus on rescuing the one I love. Wait what the one I love what am I talking about. I thought. Then we gathered are gear and headed out to war. I have so many thoughts running through my mind right now. Is he alive? Is it a trap? What dose Prometheus want with my eye? What was Ryan trying to tell me before he got kidnapped? I was determined to find him. We were mide way to the castle. I was also worried about all my amazing friends I don't know what I'll do without them?

    As we were walking Anthony and Osei were getting so close to each other. I couldn't help but fan girl so did Stella. Then Anthony turned around to give me and Stella the death stare. We then back of. But they were so cute together I couldn't help it I was so close to saying 'just kiss already' or 'get a room' but I kept my mouth shut. And there was Blake and Lana, for some reason Blake is so distant like he's trying not to fall in love. And there was something about his eye that I couldn't put my finger on. But Lana is so bubbly and sweet I'm surprised that Roy or Zach hasn't hit on her yet. Tyler and Stephanie I can see happening I saw it at the Royal ball. But Matthew and Shard that is new.

     I honestly think its adorable. But then I'm thinking about me and Ryan. I loved him with all my heart and I would never let anything bad happen to him. And next time that girl gets near him I'll kill her HE'S ALL MINE! I say in my head. I will save him I will be his hero. We then make it to the hill we have a view of the castle from here. We can see swarms and swarms of Perademons coming out of the castle. Perademons have a deformed shape with wight masks that have lines that look like this "~" for the eye wholes. They were very slender and tall. And all were red or dark red.

    "CHARGE!" Are commander yells. And this is how the war starts.

~ to be continued ~

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