I Heard Your Voice and Fell In Love (werewolf/human)

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(Ok so I tried to update yesterday and Sunday but my IPod was being stupid. I deleted one of my stories because I was beyond stuck. But I have a new story that I'm not stick on so maybe I'll upload that one.)


I get out of my car and storm up to Kylin's front door.

"Kylin fucking Romano!" I scream, banging on the door.

I hear footsteps coming close to the door and the door opens seconds later. The first thing I see is that Kylin's eyes are bloodshot. He quickly wipes his tears away. I pause and Ry to think of a reason why he would be crying, then my eyes widen. October 26th. The anniversary of Mrs. Romano's death. I push my way inside, shut the door, then pull Kylin into a hug.

"Shhhh," I coo at him.

"I-it's been e-eight years, b-but I still m-miss her!" Kylin sobs.

I keep hushing him and I lead him to the couch. I can't yell at him about what he did to Mr. Amsel right now. He's already upset enough. I'll talk to him about it later.

"Why are you here?" Kylin questions.

Um......ok...well I can't lie. He'll know. He can always see through my lies.

"Well, it's actually," I start.


Really!? Worst timing ever!


I see Kylin's entire body tense up and I know instantly who he's talking to.

"O-ok. Y-yes s-sir," Kylin stutters.

Only one person can make him do that.

"The ass is on his way home with the whore isn't he?" I ask.

"Yeah. You gotta leave before they get home."

I nod and hug Kylin again. I head to the door then turn around.

"Put your moms pictures away."

"I will."

"Also, relax. The more you stutter the more posses that ass becomes."

"You know 'that ass' is my father."

"Your FATHER is an asshole that needs to burn in hell!" I say letting the venom deep into my voice.

"I know. Please go. I have to clean."

I nod and leave. Please.....please dear God let Kylin be alright.



I quickly put my moms picture book away and then head upstairs. Once in my room I hide moms photo album and start my homework. I can't believe it's been two months since they left. I don't want them to be back.

"Kylin Romano!" My step-mother screams.

I flinch and slowly go downstairs. Once I step off the last step I see a hand come up and then....


"Ow!" I cry.

"What is this!?" My father yells at me.

I see a picture of my mom at her graduation ceremony from Yale in his hands. Oh no! I accidentally left it out! I see the she devil pull out a lighter.

"No! Give it back! Please!" I beg, trying to get it out of his hands.

"No! I told you to throw all her shit away!" My father yells.

I see the picture catch fire and my eyes widen. That was my favorite one of mom! And they destroyed it! I feel tears well up in my eyes. No! I can't cry! It'll only make it worse!

"Your mom was weak! She was a stupid little whore! Everyone's better off without her!" My step-mother says.

"No! She wasn't weak! And she wasn't a whore! She died protecting me!"

"And she died for a goodfornothing piece of trash like you!" My father screams.

I suddenly feel a hand around my neck and it squeezes. I cough and try to suck air into my lungs with no success. I get thrown and my back hits the wall hard. I slide down the wall and feel a harsh kick to my gut. Then I feel a hard fist connect with my face. I see the witch come in with a knife. Oh shit! I'm dead!

"Please! Don't! I'm sorry! Please!" I beg.

I don't want to die! I feel the cold, metal blade against my stomach as it slides a rooms my flesh. My blood starts to slowly run down my side and onto the blood red carpet. I feel the blade again and cry out as I feel my skin slowly seperate under the sharp edge of the knife.

"P-please!" I beg weakly.

"Alright alright! We don't want to kill him!" My father says.

"Fine. Go to your room freak!"

I get another harsh kick to my stomach and I whimper. I don't have the strength to get up and walk, so I just crawl up the stairs and to my room. I wince as I lay on my bed. I pull out a shoe box from under my bed and open it to see that my pain killers are almost gone. I need to get more. I put one of the Vicodin pills in my mouth and dry swallow it. I feel the effects almost immediately. Is this what my life will be like forever? Will I ever get out of this place? Or will I end up dying here? Those are the last thoughts in my head as I let sleep consume me.

(Awwww ok so there's that chapter. Hope it wasn't bad. What do you think will happen next?)

I Heard Your Voice and Fell In Love (werewolf/human)Where stories live. Discover now