Chapter 25

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     I'm caged in the bedroom, again. "Go to your room, young lady." Obadiah said.

     I'm beginning to hate this dreamy, luxurious place. It's wealth and glory is suffocating my poor soul. Millions of dollars, or euros, have probably been wasted on a building such as this. The money could have been used to solve world hunger, but instead, it's all been used up for their greedy pleasures. I don't feel comfortable staying here. How am I supposed to feel at home, when home is thousands of miles away from here? It's lonely in the mansion. I'd rather be in a prison cell, than be locked up in here. At least, I'd have someone to talk to, or play cards with. Time is passing by ever so slowly- it is getting boring here.

     But, I should at least be content that I'm not locked up in a place that's full of stench and rats crawling around.

     I seriously need to get out of this hellhole. I feel like I'm stuck in a life size dollhouse. Everything is where it's supposed to be; Nothing has been moved, or misreplaced. Everything is still and silent- lifeless. The only thing that will make this house come alive is if someone comes to play.

      Out of nowhere, Julian appears in front of me with a cold compress in his hand. "Your father almost slapped the living you. Put this on your face."  He aims for my head and aggressively throws the ice pack at me. My body is unable to react in self defense since my reflex is weak. The only thing I do is watch it dart toward me. Thankfully, it smacks me below my chin. If it had landed on my face, the pain on my cheek would have gotten a lot worse. He shouldn't have thrown it at me if his intention with the cold compress was to help me feel better.

       "Thanks, Julian. That totally helps the bruise heal a lot faster."

       "You're welcome."
       "It was sarcasm."
       "And so was mine, little girl."
       "I have a name, you know." A flat look is plastered on my face. It ticks me off that he keeps calling me a little girl. He's making fun of my height. That's just plain rude of him. "If you're going to stick around with me, you should know that my name's Odelia."

        "I don't care what your name is. I don't plan on becoming your friend."

        "Then why are you still here? You already had me kidnapped. Shouldn't you be somewhere else?" Oddly uncomfortable with the conversation we're having, I cross my arms over my chest. "I don't understand rogues. I thought that they don't follow orders. Why do you-"

         "I don't. I just owe Alpha Obadiah a favor." His head snaps to my direction, a growl can be heard as he speaks, "Has anyone told you how incredibly annoying you are with all your questions? That's the main reason why I had to drug you- to keep your mouth shut."

        "That's why you drugged me?" I snicker. "Because you couldn't handle a little girl?"

        "Don't test my patience, kid!" He rolls those blue-gray eyes of his at me while he groans out of frustration. His long brown waves are getting all messed up as he runs his fingers through his hair. His footsteps are solid heavy when he steps forward. It looks like he's about to reach for my neck. I take a step back in fear of him hurting me. A gasp escapes my lips when I suddenly find myself pinned against the wall. "Just because there are no scratches on you right now, doesn't mean you are safe in your father's name. You may be the Alpha's daughter, but you are still a weak human being. I can easily have your neck bent like twigs with my finger. So watch your mouth!" His hot breath brushes against my forehead. He's dangerously close to me; his height is towering over me. I try to ignore his gaze, but his eyes are threatening me- it's forcing me to look up and keep eye contact with him. I can hear our hearts beating out loud. Mine beats out of fear while his, beats out of anger.

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