9. Chunin Exams pt 1

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9. Chunin Exams pt 1

"Ayano! This is delicious!" Sakura exclaims, her eyes widening. "When did you learn how to cook like this?!"

"A while ago..."

"Ah! This is just as good as my ramen! Believe it!"

"Thanks... I guess." Ayano answers quietly. "I've never had ramen before, so I can't judge..."

"What?!" Naruto exclaims, almost choking. "I have to take you to the old man's ramen stand."

Ayano nods.

"It's good." Sasuke says quietly, chewing on the rice. Ayano smiles.


"Please cook for us next time Ayano! Believe it!"










"Hokage-sama." Ayano bows, closing her eyes. "Why have you summoned me here?"

The Hokage blows on his smoke pipe and breathes out before answering. "I have summoned you here because of the chunin exams. I'm sure you have heard of them."

Ayano nods. "Yes. I have. In fact, I ran into some of the sand genin who are cooperating in the exams." Ayano explains. "But that's probably besides the point. What do you want to discuss?"

The Hokage nods. "You see, Kakashi has explained to me in depth about your contribution in the Hidden Mist village." The Hokage says seriously. "He explained about how you took responsibilty and helped out tremendously."

Ayano blinks before scratching the back of her neck nervously. "So I see." She says simply. "Is that all?"

The Hokage chuckles and breathes out the smoke from his pipe. "You see, with your skills demonstrated so far, you could easily participate in the chunin exams by yourself." He explains. "Teams must be in teams of 3 or no team at all so I think this would be at your best interest."

Ayano nods. "So what you're saying is that I would participate in the chunin exams bymyself, leaving those other genin to themselves as well?" Ayano questions as the Hokage nods.

"Yes. That is what I'm saying."

"I agree to those terms." Ayano says. "Oh, and I really must apologize for my informal language back then. I even forgot to thank you. So thanks... Old man." Ayano smirks as the Hokage blinks and grins.

"Good luck, Ayano."










"Ah why is he always late?!" Sakura exclaims angrily, throwing her hands up into the air. "I mean, I didn't even have time to wash my hair! Does he even consider my feelings?!"

"Yea yea! I didn't even brush my teeth or change my underwear!" Naruto chimes in. Sakura then pauses and glares at him with a disgusted look.

"Naruto. That's gross."

Ayano shifts her eyes downwards, watching the other genin as he falls dramatically. "Please learn how to keep your self hygiene in check." She says, surprising the others. "I mean, if you want Sakura to like you, you have to be at least clean, right?"

Ayano's Curse; The Fall of a Guardian [Naruto Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now