Chapter One:How It All Begins

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Hello everybody! Just wanted to let you know that some chapters may be written differently than others(format like script or actual paragraphs). It all depends on how I'm feeling. Please note that some chapters may be shorter ham others!!!!! Mainly it will be a script format, so please don't be angered with it. Leave comments and don't forget to leave a vote! Enjoy the story of the Shield and PCB.
Michael:Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to Monday Night Raw! Right off the bat we have The Shield!

Byron:Oh boy, I can't wait to hear what they have to say!
~~~~~Commentary Over~~~~~
*The Shield's music hits
*The Shield comes out from the stairs
*All three of them go into the ring with a mic

Seth:How's everybody tonight?

*Crowd goes crazy

Dean:Tonight is the night we need new challengers!

Roman:We've been through every man that has crossed our path.

Seth:So as of right now, we are accepting a challenge from anyone or any group no matter how big or small.

*The lights turn off
Corey:OH my God, what's happening?
~~~~~Commentary Over~~~~~
*The lights turn back on
*Behind the Shield is PCB
*Paige has a chair behind Seth
*Charlotte has a kendo stick behind Roman
*Becky has a kendo stick behind Dean
*The boys slowly turn around only to meet the weapons attacking them
Michael:Oh my God! What are they doing?

Byron:Looks like their trying to make a statement.

Corey:And their doing a hell of a job at doing so.

Michael:The crowd is loving it!

Corey:How could they not? It's their favorite women's tag team against their favorite men's tag team.

Byron:What's happening right now? PCB has just stopped. They're helping them up from the ground!

Michael:We have a major problem there's no way the feud can go on. These men aren't supposed to touch a woman harmfully.
~~~~~Commentary Over~~~~~
Roman:Why in the world did you girls do that?

Charlotte:You said you wanted a challenge.

Becky:Clearly you weren't ready for that small challenge.

Dean:Listen hear sweetheart, when we said a challenge we meant for then to present them to ourselves and have a match. You clearly didn't do that.

Becky:Well next time be specific!

*Dean tries to go after Becky
*Becky tries going after Dean
*Charlotte and Paige hold Becky back
*Roman and Seth hold Dean back

Paige:Enough you two you're acting like children.

Seth:You're one to talk, you're the youngest out of all of us.

Paige:And you're the most sellout.

*Seth tries going after Paige
*Paige doesn't flinch and just laughs

Charlotte:Guys we didn't come out here to do this!

Becky:Well we can't fight them they're men, we're women, this is the modern day, they'd go to jail.

Paige:We didn't come out to do that either.

Becky:Then what? You guys don't tell me anything!

Charlotte:We'll tell you in our locker room!

Dean:Stop bickering! I'm getting a migraine.

Seth:Dean we both know that, that's not true.

Roman:Let him have his moment Seth.

Charlotte:Aww look Ambreigns.

Becky:Meh I've seen better.

Dean:Oh I doubt it sister.

*Paige and Seth are bickering on the side

Charlotte:She's right we've seen better.

Roman:Has it been as long as Dean and I's relationship I don't think so.

*Paige and Seth still bickering

Becky:You guys have known each other since two thousand twelve for your debut. What I've seen has gone on since FCW.

Dean:Oh and that is?

*Becky and Charlotte look at each other

Becky and Charlotte:SAIGE!

Dean and Roman:What?

Becky:Just look at them.

*They all turn to the bickering two





Dean:Meh, it half makes sense.

Paige:What makes sense?

Roman, Charlotte, Becky, and Dean:NOTHING!

Paige:I don't believe you guys.

Seth:Believe in the Shield Pumpkin.

Paige:Pumpkin is my line, Pumpkin.

Becky:See what we mean?

Roman and Dean:Yep.

Paige and Seth:What?

Charlotte:I have to go meet Cesaro about our tag match. Bye now!

*Charlotte rolls out of the ring and runs backstage
*Roman looks at her until she leaves
*Paige looks at her confused

Paige:She does realize that her match is the last one of the night right?

Dean:Guys I really gotta go. I'm starving.

Becky:I'll join you, I could go for some food.

*They both run backstage

Seth:Dean! You just ate!

Roman:I have to go take care of my uncle's sons.

*Roman rushes out of the ring

Paige:Jimmy and Jay do not need to be babysat!

*Paige and Seth are just in the ring

Michael:Ladies and Gentlemen this may have been the awkwardest thing ever.
~~~~~Commentary Over~~~~~
Paige:What now?

Seth:Cut to commercial!
~~~Cut to Commercial~~~

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