Chapter Twelve:Rollins Squad

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Guys I just found out how to view my rankings and omg thank you so much. I love all of you so much, thank you for supporting me. Let's see if we can get it even higher one day.

*With the Rollins Squad

Finn:Mate, are you sure that he's going to be at the gym?

Tyler:Where else could be be?

Alexa:Skipped the show and went to a CrossFit gym.

Fandango:He's smarter than to skip a show.

Nia:Is he really though?

Alexa:You're right, we should probably check the roof.

Finn:Why the roof?

Tyler:Burn it down, that's his phrase.

*Finn still doesn't get it

Alexa:Finn are you seriously still clueless?

Fandango:Dude, even I get it.

Nia:Come on Finny.

Finn:I don't get it!

Tyler:What better way to burn something down than from the top?

Finn:From the bottom.

Alexa:You know what, just never mind.


*As a joke

Fandango:A ella le gusta la gasolina!


*They're all confused

Fandango:Dude it was a joke, understand that.

Alexa:*Whispers to Nia* I think he's gone insane. I've never seen him like this.

Finn:You said it yourself, "what better way to burn something than from the top", he's gasoline.


Finn:A ella le gusta la gasolina. The girl likes gasoline. Paige, is a fiery match. Paige likes gasoline but she's a match on fire.

Tyler:Seth would be on the roof because he knows if Paige wants to find him that's where he'd be; because they're like fire and gasoline.

Nia:I think you guys are thinking about this too much. Come on we need to check the gym.

*They wall to the gym
*But on their way they see a camera crew with Charlie

Fandango:Sugar honey ice tea, let's get there quicker.

*Charlie notices them

Charlie:Breezango! Nia! Alexa! Finn!

Alexa:Forget it get to the roof, Nia and I'll check the gym.

*They split off
*Charlie follows Alexa and Nia

Nia:Shit looks like they've got us.

Alexa:Run to the locker rooms.

*They run off and Charlie can't follow them

Charlie:Did you guys see where they went?

*All of it was filmed and played live
*Their talking couldn't be heard
*With Alexa and Nia in the Women's locker room

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