The Ugly Truth

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You drove down the familiar roads to the shopping village you had previously scouted with Negan, filling up the truck with as much as it could hold. You were pretty pleased with yourself, and knew everyone back home would be too. You had, had to put down several walkers but nothing you couldn't handle. Especially since you had found a fuel pump that was almost full filled as many containers as you could find with petrol and diesel.

On your way back you heard the radio Simon had given you crackle into life,

"Hey sweetheart you there?" he asked, you reached across to the passenger seat and picked up the radio.

"I'm here" you replied, a huge grin spreading across your face at the sound of his voice "not got yourself killed yet then?"

"now that would be pretty damn careless of me" he replied and you could picture him smirking, "Besides," he continued "I promised Cameron an adventure, can't go getting killed before that", your heart began to race, 

"You were really good with him" you admitted,

"I'm better with you" he teased

"Can't argue with that" you laughed

"What are you doing little darling?" he asked, 

"Just in my room reading" you lied "you?"

"I'm just waiting for Rick the Prick to drive down this road" he exclaimed,

"Simon" you sighed 

"yes baby?" he replied, making you bite your lip,

"Please be careful" you replied

"You don't need to worry about me sweetheart" he reassured you, "Action man remember"

"I know" you sighed "but you've made me care a lot and I don't know what I'd do if something happened to you"

"Baby I'll be just fine" he replied and you rolled your eyes at his confidence, not realising that it wasn't him you should be worrying about.

"You better be" you warned

"Or what?" he asked challenging you,

"Well you'll be fucking dead so I wont be able to do anything" you replied laughing, he laughed too,

"good point" he laughed "right I better go the lads are looking at me weird"

"Bye Simon I.." you smiled stopping yourself before you said something stupid,

"Bye little darling" he replied not realising you had almost slipped up. You threw the radio back in the passenger seat, were you really about to say those words? Did you? you hadn't really thought about it until that moment when it felt so right to say it. That scared you.

You pulled over about a mile from Hilltop, not far from where you guessed would be one of the roadblocks. You grabbed your backpack and hunters knife, and made your way into the trees, making sure you were far enough away from the roads not to be seen. 

You could here Simon talking to someone as you approached one of the roadblocks, he sounded calm but threatening, and although that kind of turned you on, it also terrified you at the same time, you hadn't seen this side to him and you weren't sure how you felt. He had a man on the floor by his feet, squirming and begging for Simon to let him go, he was almost taunting him as he spoke to who you presumed was Rick. 

After Simon and the Saviours moved on, you stayed where you were for a while, processing what you had just witnessed. That wasn't the man that you had almost confessed your feelings for, merely an hour before. You began walking further into the trees, lost in your thoughts. 

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