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"And that's why I believe I'm afraid to truly let someone in and trust them..." You muttered, your lunch table friends listening closely. Cyrus rolled his eyes.

"I stole one fry. Why are you like this," he chuckled, chucking one of his own fries back at you. You instantly cheered up and swallowed it whole. No chewing.

Your lunch table was filled with around double the people that were usually there. Your friend group was pretty much a collection of the highest intellect students, so all of them had a buddy with them. Sadly, there was a rival group of intellectuals who had the other, larger, half of the class.

"I've known ____ for a week and everyday is something new," Adrien added, laughing. He chewed graciously on a fat, greasy burger, the trademark food of the United States. Marinette was there, too. Sweating. Profusely. Right into her salad.

Adrien sat next to you, leaning so that he was as close to you as possible. He didn't even realize it, but he was drawn in by your charisma. You leaned towards him, too, smirking.

"But you know what isn't new? Marinette and I crushing you in Super Smash Sisters," you grinned, high fiving Marinette. He scoffed at you, crossing his arms in front of him and leaning even closer.

"If you get victory royale on Vortnite, I'll admit you guys are better at gaming than me," Adrien responded. Marinette's nerves had gone down, replaced by her gaming confidence.

"Let's do it today after class, then. You'll meet ____ and I at gaming club," she added. Adrien nodded, shaking her hand.


A few hours earlier

Gabriel Agreste sat silently in his room, mind lost deep in the crevices of his thoughts. He watched carefully as you escorted his son off to that foreign school.

He, himself, had narrowed the miraculous holders to be somewhere in Adrien's class, though he was unsure of where. That was an underlying reason for the trip, carefully piloting Mr. Agreste's actions. He was annoyed that no one had gotten upset enough to be able to become one of his little...puppets.

Marinette flashed into his mind. Her bluebell eyes burning so intensely with the desire to see his son. The passion she held as she left that gift for Adrien that one time in France. The one that Gabriel had taken credit for.

Slowly, but surely, he pieced together what was obvious to those who saw Marinette every day; she liked Adrien.

Dialing your father's number, Gabriel spoke calmly.

"Thomas, arrange a date for Catherine and Adrien this evening after school ends. I will have one of my servants anonymously tweet out a photo of them together to attract paparazzi, that way both our companies will get attention for this."

"Yes, of course. I'm setting it up as we speak. Hey, Gabe-"


"When are you going to akumatize someone? I'm growing impatient."

Mr. Agreste pictured Marinette's broken heart; the perfect breeding ground for negative emotions. "All in due time, Thomas. Now if you'll excuse me, I must be going," Mr. Agreste said, ending the call. Nooroo, his kwami, flew up to him miserably as Gabriel called upon him.

Together, they walked off to his new lair. Waiting hours for the time to strike, because that's not creepy at all.

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