Chapter 20

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"Habiba?" The all too familiar voice called.

Naima could identify the owner of that voice with her eyes closed. She could even feel that specific aura he was surrounded with.

She pivoted herself around.

He was looking at her and so was she.
It wasn't right but she couldn't look away.
Both of them weren't ready to break their eye contact. Not ready to give up first.

Tawfiq looked hurt, somehow betrayed and a bit of anger and disappointment lurking behind his eyes.

"Tawfiq, w-what a-are you d-doing here?"
Naima stuttered when she finally found her voice to speak.

Great question, Naima.
It's his dressing room for crying out loud, 'what are you doing here?' is the question.

"What am I doing here? What are you doing here? Why are you wearing that costume?" He asked through gritted teeth but surprisingly, rather calm.

He ran his hand through his messed up hair showing he was frustrated.
Why was he getting so worked up about it?
It wasn't like she was selling drugs or stealing.
What was the big deal about being a mascot?

She'd admit that she would also be a little angry-more like disappointed and sad-if she found out her friend was keeping something important from her.
But not so angry like Tawfiq was getting.

He needed to get his emotions in check.

Naima decided it was better she apologized for keeping a secret like that and explain herself before this went any further.

"I-I'm sorry, I couldn't tell you. I didn't. . ."Tawfiq stopped her.

"You could have gotten hurt. Do you know the things we do to our mascots after games? I should have guessed when the mascot disappeared every time we played a game." He chuckled in contempt
"After every game, we could throw you in the school pool, hit you with water balloons, kick you and all sorts of other funny things. It's not supposed to hurt to any extent because the mascot is supposed to be a guy."
He glared.
"You should have told me. Why did you even have to become a mascot in the first place? They could have hurt you. I could have hurt you, Naima." he painfully said.

Naima cringed when she heard her name from his lips. He hadn't called her that in ages.

"I needed to keep my scholarship. Joining a club was the only way. This was the only thing I could do." Naima explained to the point.

"To hell with the scholarship. I would have paid your fees anytime if you just asked." Tawfiq gritted out.

"Why didn't you just join any other club? Belinda is in the debate club so why didn't you just join with her? Why? Let me guess, to avoid attention and well everyone as usual." Tawfiq paused and exhaled.

"Naima, why won't you just stop with all these things." he said as contempt laced his voice.

"I don't want anyone's money. And I knew you would get angry if I told you." Naima said, also getting angry.

She didn't know what the big deal was.

"If you told me from the beginning, I would have understood. If you had just explained it to me, we could have found another way. You've been the mascot for the whole school year, Naima. I'm not angry that you are the mascot, I'm just angry that someone, Naima, I could have hurt you thinking you were a boy. You think I would forgive myself for that? You think I'd be able to sleep at night knowing I hurt you?" He asked looked away as he continued to rake his hair.

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