Lita's match

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Lita's POV

I waited by the curtain with Matt by my side. Then I saw Mickie walk up to us and she smirked she likes Trish but me not so much. She saw Matt and she was shocked.

Mickie: why would you be with her Matt

I glared Matt didn't say anything I saw Triple H come behind Mickie.

Triple H: Mickie will destory you Lita

Lita: we'll see

Mickie: Triple H is right Lita I will beat you

I rolled my eyes.

Mickie's theme played and then she walked through the curtain.

 Announcer: this match is set for one fall on the way to the ring accompinaned by Triple H from Richamond VA ........ Mickie James

I saw Mickie get in the ring and then she did a "pose" as she calls it

Matt: don't worry Lita you will win this match

Lita: *smiles* thanks Matt

Announcer: and her opponent from Fort Lauderdale Florida being accompanied by Matt Hardy....... Lita

I walked down the ramp with Matt following I think some people are shocked that Matt is out of his locker room and with someone else. 

Jerry: I don't believe it Matt Hardy is out of his locker room and with someone else

J.R: oh believe it Jerry 

I walked up the steps after Matt he held the rope down for me and I got in. I did my symbol and then Matt got out and went in my corner and Triple H went in Mickie James corner. The bell rang and we started.

End of POV

Matt's POV

I am in Lita's corner I saw Triple  H creeping up on Lita so while the ref wasn't looking I attacked him. When the ref looked at Triple H I was gone well I was back in Lita's corner the ref just turned back around.

Lita hit Mickie with a twist of fate and then went for a hurricanrana pin.

Ref: 1.....2......3 

Announcer: here is your winner Lita

I smiled and I helped Lita out of the ring and we walked backstage.

End of POV

Trish's POV

Lita won and I was so happy the pain I had was easing off I saw they were walking backstage.

The door opened and in walked Lita and Matt.

Trish: hey good job Lita

Lita: couldn't have done it if Matt wasn't in my corner

Matt: *smiles*

Trish: so what is the deal with Mickie anyway you two have never met before?

Lita: don't know she use to glare at me for no reason 

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