2 years later

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Trish's POV

I am with the girls in my locker room just talking away when there was a knock at the door. Lita stood up and got it and she glared at the person who knocked on the door.

Lita: what do you want?

???: I want to see Trish

Lita: well you can't

???: you can't tell me what to do

Lita: *rolls eyes* I told you to stay out of my best friends life she has come a long way from when I found her

???: look I really am sorry

Lita: sorry? You hurt my best friend Simon you never cared about her

Simon: I did care about her and I still do 

Lita: liar besides Trish is doing better and she has got a better boyfriend than you so leave us alone

Lita was about to slam the door shut when he put his foot in between the door I stood up and took over Lita's spot and I opened the door Simon smiled when he saw me I glared.

Trish: what do you want?

Simon: I want to know if you would dump that new boyfriend and be mine again please Trish

Trish: be yours? Oh hell no I ain't going back out with you ever again after what you did to me Simon I was afraid of being loved and it was all because of you. I have friends who helped me I have a loving boyfriend who has shown me that not all boys are like you Simon I was scared of guys because of you.

???: what's going on?

I looked up and smiled and my boyfriend came by my side and wrapped his arm over my shoulder.

Jeff: I don't get why you are still here Simon because if I was you I would've been long gone

Simon: I'm not leaving without Trish

Jeff:  you lost your chance with Trish and I have shown her the love that she deserves unlike you I have heard about everything you did to Trish my Trish

Trish: *smiles at Jeff then faces Simon* see Simon this is what a real boyfriend does he protects me and he won't back down from a fight if someone has hurt me unlike you who always hurt me, never stuck up for me, you always made people bully me but now that I think back on it the only good thing that came out of all that is I met Jeff and we are dating the best boyfriend I could ever have and I will not lose him or dump him for a guy like you.

Jeff: *smiles at Trish*

Simon: Trish I have changed I promise I want you to trust me

Trish: trust you? Trust you! You hurt me Simon get that through your head I love Jeff and I will never dump him he is the best thing that has happened to my life which you runined so why don't you go and never come back.

???: GO! before we make you

Simon: *turns around* I won't go till I have Trish

Matt: you are so stupid

John: she doesn't want you back

Matt: she is with my brother

Randy: and she has upgraded as girls say

We looked at him weird.

Randy: I have heard Ashley and Michelle talk and they say that sort of thing

John: *rolls eyes*

Then I heard footsteps behind me and it was the girls I can easily tell.

Trish: just go Simon I told you before and I'll say it again I don't like you, I will never like you again, you hurt me, I will not go back out with you and I will never ever speak to you so I would give up right now.

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