The Talk And Liam

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I got out the shower and dried off. I put on my clothes and looked in the mirror once again. My eyes were puffy and red from crying, but I looked slightly better. My hair was back to its caramel color. I washed my face again to get the redness out my eyes.

Once I dried myself off, I got the bottle of lotion on the counter and put it on my legs, face, and arms. I felt so much better after the shower to get all that filth that was built up off of me. I pick up my clothes off of the floor and put on the clothes Perrie gave me. I walked out of the bathroom and Perrie was sitting on her bed watching TV. She looked up at me and patted the space next to her. "Where should I put my clothes?" I ask her. She looks me up and down.

"Mariah aren't you just a jaw dropper. You are absolutely beautiful!" Perrie exclaimed once she got a good look at me. I blushed and sat down next to her. "And just throw them away because I have more than enough clothes and your just about my size." I thank her after she said that.

"What are you watching?" I questioned her as I looked back to the TV. Her jaw dropped and she looked at me with shock. What did I do wrong?

"You've never seen Pit Bull and Parolees before?" She looked at me and then she turned the TV down as it went on commercial. It sounds familiar but I just don't know.

"I wasn't allowed to watch TV." I looked down. I was really embarrassed. She grabbed me into a hug because she saw that I was embarrassed. 

"If you want to you can tell me what happened but I don't want you to think that you have to." She looked into my eyes and grabbed my hands. I shook my head and took a deep breath.

"No I'll tell you. If I am going to be staying with you I should let you know my past." I told her as I took one of my hands out of her grip and ran it through my hair. I don't know how I'm going to word this. It's a hard subject for me but I want to get it off my chest.

"Do you want me to get Zayn so you don't have to repeat it?" She questioned me as she started to stand up. I nodded. "You want to come with?" She asked me as she went to the door. I shook my head. She gave me a small smile, opened the door, and walked out.

I wiped my eyes and sat up straight as I pushed myself against the backboard of the bed. I am really worried about what they will think about me after I tell them about my horrible past. About 30 seconds later, Perrie walked into the room with Zayn and he smiled at me.

"What's going on?" Zayn questioned as he sat on the edge of the bed. Perrie looked at me with a look in her eyes saying 'do you want me to tell him 'I shook my head.

"I am going to tell you guys about my past so you know." I told them both. They both nodded and gave me all of their attention. "My family used to be the best family. My dad adored my mom and I felt like I had it better than anyone else. When I was fourteen, my dad started acting strange. He didn't come home at night. His pupils were always dilated and when he was home and was always getting mad over the smallest things. One night, I heard my parents arguing downstairs and I went down there to see what was going on. Once I got down the stairs, I saw my dad slap my mom." I had to take a breath to calm myself down as I felt the lump in my throat come up and my eyes start to sting. "She held her face with so much hurt in her eyes and slapped him back. That was the mistake she made. He was on drugs and he was out of it. He pulled out a gun and shot my mom in the head. I just sat there and didn't do anything because I was in shock. I don't know why because I could've and I feel so horrible!" I choked on a sob and started to breathe deeply to be able to finish the story. I looked at them and Zayn's eyes were watering and Perrie already had tears streaming down her face. "My dad turned around to me and gave me a sick smile. He-"I took a deep breath. "He r... raped me. I felt so disgusting and filthy. His friends came over and did the same thing. I ended up getting my mom's old phone and called the police that night. They tracked the phone because I was under my bed hiding. He and his friends got life in Prison but I felt as if the wasn't enough. I was sent to a foster home and they abused me so I ran away. I was gone for 2 years and then you guys found me." I finished my story and Perrie tackled me in a hug. She started sobbing while, Zayn got up and started towards us. He pulled me into a hug and whispered that everything was going to be alright in my ear.

After we all relaxed, Zayn left. Perrie took me up to Liam's room on the next floor. It was the same set up as Perrie's but it was more masculine. The bed looked really comfortable so I jumped in it. Perrie laughed and told me, "You will be in this room until Liam gets home and by then, your room should be done!" she turned off the lights and turned on the ceiling fan. After she made sure I was comfortable she gave me a hug and left.


I was sleeping when someone came into the room. I thought I was just Perrie checking on me, so I went back to sleep. Then I heard someone say.

"What. The. Fuck?!" I jumped up and screamed as the guy yelled at me. He turned the light on and faced me. He was not bad looking at all. He had light stubble on his jaw and had a faux hawk kind of hair style with beautiful brown eyes. He had a duffle bag and a suitcase that he dropped to the floor and looked down at me. "No one told me we had guest." He said confused.

"W-who are you?" I said and started to get freaked out until I remembered that they had a roommate and I was in his room. "You must me Liam?" I ask and sit up all the way in the bed. He nodded.

"Yeah I am, who are you?" He asked as he stood in the doorway awkwardly. I blushed just because the situation just seemed so odd. 

"I'm Mariah." I said as I walk towards him and hold my hand out. He reached out and shook his hand and it's like there was a "click" to sound cheesy. 

"I've never seen you around here before or seen you with Perrie?" He half says and the other half is questioning. Just then, she walks in. She looks extremely alarmed and flustered. 

"I heard you screaming. Is everything all good?"She breathes out. She looks between Liam and I, looks back at Liam, and squints her eyes. "What did you do?" She asked accusingly. He holds both his hands up defensively. 

"I think we both spooked each other so she screamed." Perrie looks at me and I blush. "I got home from my trip earlier than expected." He states.

"Okay. Mariah, you'll sleep in my room with me if that is okay with you?" 

"That's fine. This is his room after all." I say as I look back at Liam. 

"You can sleep in here and I can take the couch if you are more comfortable with that, Mariah." Liam says as he starts opening his suitcase, probably getting some sleep stuff out of it. I shake my head.

"It is your room after all. I'm fine sleeping in her room." I nod towards Perrie.

"Okay. If you are sure." I nod. "I will see you two ladies in the morning." We both say goodnight to Liam and walk to Perrie's room after goodbyes are said. 

"Sorry I freaked out and screamed." I said ashamed for waking her up. She dismisses me with one hand as we both get in the bed.

"Don't worry about it, girl. Things happen." She smiles, says goodnight, and basically falls asleep on the spot. 

It takes me a little bit to fall asleep because I had a brown eyed guy on my mind. I end up falling into a dreamless sleep. 

Hey guys I decided to upload another chapter because I had nothing else to do today! Remember to comment and vote. Please share my story because I would love for other people to read it! Lots of Love!


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