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Hi guys!! Just a small note. I listened to Where Are U Now by Skrillex Feat Justin Bieber. I'm not that big of a fan of him but I like this song 😊!! So enjoy

Perrie just got off the phone with Ryan. She will be here in one hour. Oh my god I'm so nervous and I'm excited too, of course, but it's been years since I've last seen her face or heard her voice.

"You excited, love?" Perrie says as she starts on her makeup at her vanity by her bed. I nod.

"I'm very excited yet I'm nervous. Does she still care about me? Does she even want to speak to me?" All these negative thoughts float through my head as I pace back and forth. She looks at me through her mirror.

"There's nothing to be afraid, even though it's been a while. Ryan has talked about you a few times. I've never thought that I would've met you and take you under my wing though! This is fate at its best, considering everything that has happened to the both of you." Perrie states as she continues on her makeup.

"Okay. I just don't want it to end badly." I say as I finally just sit on the bed.

"Just don't overthink everything okay? It'll all go well." She says as she finishes her makeup. Jesus, she's gorgeous. I mean I don't swing that way but she is beautiful.

"Do you want me to do your hair?" I nod and she gets a few things from her bathroom. She comes back with brushes, hairspray and a curling iron. I sit on the floor and she sits on the bed and starts on my hair

After a bunch of pulling, tells me she's all done. I look in the mirror and gasp. My hair is in a curled loosely and is parted on the right.

"Thank you Perrie!" I hug her. She shrugs it off like no big deal. I hear a doorbell and start getting anxious.

"You ready?" She ask, sensing my nervousness. I nod and give her a slight smile. "Good. Do you want to answer the door?" She ask as she grabs my hand and pulls me out of her room. I nod again and start getting butterflies in my stomach. As we get down stairs I can see that Zayn is setting the table as Liam is putting finishing touches on dinner. Liam is facing the stove so I can see his backside. It looks nice in those skinny jeans. He also has a plaid long sleeve on. Zayn is wearing black skinny jeans with a white shirt.

As we get to the door I start to get even more nervous. She's right behind that door. My hand shakes once I get a hold of the doorknob. I open the door slowly.

Ryan looks the same. Her hair is long but it's in a beanie. She has a long sleeve white crop top with a black skater skirt and black wedges. I gasp and she puts her hands up to her mouth and her eyes start watering. I start tearing up and she jumps on me.

"Oh my god Ryan I thought you were dead!" I sob in her ear. She shakes and clutches me tighter.

"I thought I would never see you again, Riah!" We start to calm down and back away from each other. She grabs my hand and closes the front door. Perrie is smile is so huge. She hugs us both.


After all of our introductions were finished we sat down and ate. I sat next to Liam. He made enchiladas. Oh my God it was amazing! I just stayed at the table as did everyone else after we were done eating and got to catch up with Ryan.

"So, how's mom?" Ryan ask me and I start to tear up. Ryan senses there is something wrong. "Mariah?"

"He killed mom." I said. I feel a lump on my throat. She drops her fork and starts sobbing into Perrie's shoulder. I get out my chair and go to Ryan. I sit in her lap and she puts her arms around me as we cry together. "He shot her right in front of me and hurt me!" I cry into her ear. I cry into her neck and we calm down after a while. I pull back from her and wipe her face and she wipes under my eyes. I stand up and kiss her forehead. "I need to go for a second okay?" I tell her and she nods but looks sorta weary. I walk to the living room and walked out of sliding glass doors and walk to the beach. 

Sunset was starting so I just sat in the sand and wrapped my arms around my knees as I tucked them under my chin. I started to just cry and let all my feelings pour out. After about two or three minutes, I heard the sliding door open and close. I felt arms wrap around me and sniffling. I automatically knew it was Ryan. She now had sweatpants and white t-shirt and she sat next to me in the sand. She grabbed my hand and I rested my head on her shoulder. We just sat and stared out into the water. After about five minutes, she spoke up.

"We can get through this together you know that right?" I took my head from her shoulder and looked at her. She looked back at me and tucked my hair behind my ears. I nodded. I told her the whole story about everything that happened and how I got here. She cried and I did too, but I felt better after telling her hoping I'd never have to repeat that story. "Let's go inside because it is getting cold." I smiled at her as I stood up and dust the sand off of me. I held my hand out and she grabbed it and stood up. 

We walked in the house and no one was in the dining room. Liam was in the kitchen doing dishes and cleaning up. "Go up to Perrie's room and I'll help him clean up." She nodded, kissed my head, and left. "You need some help?" I ask and he jumps.

"Geez you scared me." He says and I giggle. I say sorry. "It's okay and yes help would be appreciated." He says kindly and tells me to just wipe the counters. We just worked in silence until he spoke up again. "I'm sorry for what happened to you." He said softly. I finish wringing the wash cloth then replied. 

"You don't have to apologize." I say and turn around not realizing how close he was to me. He stood about a foot away from me and I had to slightly tilt my head up. 

"Can I hug you?" He ask and it kind of throws me off. I nod anyways because I kinda wanted to hug him when I first met him. He pulls me into a warm embrace and puts his head in my hair. I wrap my arms around him and put my head on his chest. It just feels like this was meant to be. We heard a cough and jumped apart. Zayn was standing there and grinned. 

"Did I interrupt something?" He asked with a sly grin. I blush and Liam punches him on the shoulder. I take that time to quickly walk out and say goodbye. I run up to Perrie's room and knock because I don't know what could be going on behind that door. I hear a small come in and I walk in and there hair is messed up and cheeks are flushed. I laugh and they laugh after me. 

"Can we got to sleep?" I ask suddenly exhausted. They both nod and I crawl into the bed with them. 

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