I noticed how encompassed with sweat she was. Every inch of her bed was drenched seamlessly in her vixens. I sat down slowly on the bed, causing it to dip.
Her voice was laced with whimpers as her lips parted slightly. Her back arched slightly, caus...
CHAPTER TWO "A leader is the man who has the ability to get other people to do what they don't want to do, and like it." - Harry Truman
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Horus gave me a wary look. I narrowed my eyes at him. Replicating where his eyes were, I finally decided to take a look at who Horus was looking at.
A cold, ruthless, and dark demeanor radiated off him. Everyone's eyes were directed towards his own. The only person that I knew that could attract this much attention would be the infamous Julian Black.
Even from a couple of feet away I could see his lifeless eyes, the way his pupils dilated when he glared in my direction, even the way his hair glistened under the fluorescent lighting.
A smoldering glare started to dash through his eyes. My eyes that were set in stone brutally staring in Horus' direction.
Slamming my fist on the bar's surface allowed for everyone to look in my direction rather than his. Reaching out over the bar, my hand grasped Horus' collar. "Give me a fucking drink before I slaughter you." The blonde follicles attached to the base of the wig shook.
Horus' bent over the bar, shaken up. "Y-yes Miss." His quivering lips gave my eyes a reason to roll. I smacked his chubby face lightly with my left hand, while holding his chin in place with my right hand. "Good boy." I let go of his shirt.
The voice from the entrance began to speak. "I guess the saying, bad habits die hard, is true." My eyes jerked up a little bit due to being caught off guard. The maturity in his voice is up to par, unlike when we were younger.
While the wooden floors moaned from pressure, the soles of boots smacking on the surface was more coherent.
Tapping my fingers in a rhythmic pattern on the bar caused a foreign growl to erupt. My eyelids leveled into slits while turning my head to the left.
Glancing in his direction allowed for my mouth to gape open a little. "J-julian?" This can't be the Julian Black from my childhood. That kid was annoying, ugly as sin, and a complete derelict.
The smirk that played on his lips started to slowly but shortly remind of the Julian Black from when I was younger. That Julian was absolutely horrid. I remember he constantly got in trouble with the cops and in school, hell he even made Chris eat dog crap. That earned him a delightful ass-kicking from me. Ever since then, we've hated each other.
Horus spoke from the other side of the bar. "M-miss I forgot to ask you what you'd like to drink?" Breaking out of the trance I was in, my tongue moistened its bottom lip. Shaking my head quickly, my hand waved Horus off. "Just surprise me, Horus."
A quaint chuckle was passed along from the other side of the bar. In the midst of ignoring Julian, I kept my eyes on the bartender. Those green eyes would glance off every now in then and look at mine, checking to see if I was looking.
While awaiting my drink, I caught a glimpse of the man sitting next to me, staring intimidatingly at me. Making his presence known, he grunted. Glaring off in his direction, I gave him the middle finger. The scoff that swelled through his throat dominated agitation beyond belief.
Horus eventually came over with my shot. "Here you go Miss." His arm extended over the bar to hand it to me. Just as I was about to grab the shot, his fingers wrapped around the glass. Swinging his head back, he drank it all down. His clamped fist slammed the shot glass down on the bar, shattering it.
While glaring his eyes at me, he spoke. "Nice to see you again, Delta." I started to get a grip on myself and ignore his features. This is the Julian Black from my childhood; cocky, arrogant, ignorant, and as always, an asshole.
The hand that was bleeding profusely was his left. Glass shards stuck out in every direction from the palm of his hand. Managing to stifle inaudible words, my body turned back towards the television. Julian rose from his seat. Before I knew it a dark shadow was casted over me. Looking to the left, my eyes peeled up at him. I slowly turned my chair keeping my legs out in front, clamped together.
I smirked, locking eyes with him. "Can I help you Jules?" He started to growl at the nickname Chris gave him in elementary school. He cracked his neck. "Get up."
I scoffed. "Why don't you f-off." He slowly looked toward Horus, who was showered with fear. Bending down so we met on eye-level he placed either one of his hands on both my thighs, parting them. The proximity of his closeness allowed my nostrils to smell the toxicity of his cologne. My nose took in a silent deep whiff and breathed out.
His breath fanned on the top of my ear. I started to dig my nails beneath the seat I was sitting in. He ran his hand through his rugged hair that was already tousled in all different directions. I could easily hear him lick his lips. "If you don't get up and come with me, I'll have to kill you right here, blondie."
Releasing the my pressure on the seat cushion, I stood up. Those vindicated shallow iris' kept note of every move my body made.
Slowly making contact with his dilated pupils, a forceful shove was connected to his chest. "I dare you." The sound of my voice seamlessly ridiculed an exasperated tone.
The lids to his eyes clamped shut immediately. Both of his fists began to ball together. Before squeezing his fists one more time, he let out a low chuckle. His form came closer to me, towering over my figure. "Don't push me Delta, you wouldn't like me when I'm angry."
I balled up the cloth that clung to his chest. I quickly pushed him away which caused him to stumble backwards a little bit. I smirked whilst crossing my arms over my chest. He cracked his fists. "Guess I'm going to have to do this the hard way."
My lips parted smugly. Knitting my eyebrows together, my hand propped itself up on the bar. Slowly biting my lip, I leaned in, looking up at him. "Hard way, huh?" I ran my finger down his chest. Watching his eyes, I noticed the color of the iris darken. "Just how I like it, Jules."
His lustful gaze turned into an angry snarl. Shaking his head, he reached into his jacket and pulled out a silenced pistol. I reached for the gun, but he grabbed my head and shoved it backwards.
Shooting everyone in the room, between the eyes, he winded up killing ten people, including Horus.
After he was done, he just stood there. I couldn't make out the face he was making. He was just, emotionless. His eyes were dull and lifeless. His hair was pulled in many directions, mostly from stress. And the bags under his eyes told me he hasn't gotten a night's rest in a while.
He took one step closer to me. He raised the gun up to my head; in-between my eyes. I could sense his heartbeat was quickening, there was sweat slowly dripping down his forehead.
He scratched the back of his neck with one hand. "Why do you make me do things like this to you?" He shook his head. "Ever since we were younger you were always a stubborn little bitch."
I smirked. "Like you said, bad habits die hard." His chiseled jaw jerked away before cocking the gun to his right and pulling the trigger.