to suffer

12 1 7

"Lead me, follow me, or get the hell out of my way." - George S. Patton Jr., Patton Principles

We both ran up to my bedroom

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We both ran up to my bedroom. I jumped on the bed first and Chris followed suit. I gleamed, "Finally, it's over!" I pumped my fists in the air.

His chuckle was muffled while his head was face-down in the comforter. While laying down, he propped his elbows on top of the sheets and cupped his face. "What, you didn't like it?" He slowly bit his lip attempting to hold in a chuckle.

I deadpanned his facial expression. After five seconds went by we both broke out in hysterical laughter. I wiped a tear from my eye while he gripped his stomach. "Y-yeah-" I regained composure before speaking. "No." We both had scowled lips plastered before we broke out in laughter again.

After five minutes of laughing, we finally regained normalcy. Chris scooted himself to the front of the bed while my head was laying in his lap. He spoke softly. "In all seriousness, did you actually hate it?"

I looked up into his vivid green eyes. "Of course not Tuck, you know I was just playing." He gave me his hand to fiddle with.

He smiled. "Alright, I know you don't like surprises, but I wanted to-" He sat there thinking of a word. I finished his sentence, "Surprise me?" The corners of his mouth turned up. "Yeah." While reaching for the back of his neck, he sighed. I questioned him. "What's wrong?"

His breath hitched in the back of his throat. "I sort of got you something."

My head quickly rose from his lap. "Chris, I told yo-" He cut me off. "I know what the hell you told me."

His youthful eyes sparkled. "Just close your eyes." I pushed my hair over my shoulder to my back. "No, I told-"

He cut me off again. "Close your eyes, Ronnie."

I huffed out a breath of air. "Fine." I heard the bed ache as Chris moved around in it. I laughed. "Chris wha-" He shushed me. The bed dipped once more before Chris spoke. "Alright, you can open your eyes."

My eyelids popped open. In front of me were two tickets to a Miami Dolphins Football game. Excitement coursed through my vines. "C-Chris, wh-how-wait-"

The smile that played hardly on his lips turned into a slight smirk. "Front row, baby!"

My mouth gaped open. I sighed. "C-Chris-I," I pushed the tickets away. "I can't."

His smirk slowly facaded into a frown. "W-what? Why?"

I made up an excuse. "Chris, I know you need the money for your truck."

He rolled his eyes. "I already saved up enough money for that. Come on Ro, front freaking row!" He shook my shoulders slightly, trying to convince me to snap out of it. "Ronnie, I'm not going if you aren't. And I am not giving the tickets away."

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