to blackmail

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"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein

I put the gun my mouth and sighed

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I put the gun my mouth and sighed. While looking at Julian one last time, I pulled the trigger.

The darkness that I expected did not come. The chamber clicked, but never released a bullet. What the hell?

My eyelids pried themselves open only to find a smirking Julian. "It's empty, sweetheart."

I took the gun out of my mouth and placed it carefully on the ground. "What do you want?" I looked over at Carter and the mystery man that was now standing up.

Carter stood up and walked around his desk. His stocky figure sat down in an executive leather office chair. His hands pried open a drawer encased in his mahogany desk. "I have a proposition for you."

He pulled out a vanilla file and threw it on his desk. The folder ruptured, sprawling out everything all over his desk. Pictures, papers, receipts, tickets, newspaper articles, anything that involved me within a lifetime was spanned out across the diameter of the glossy surface.

I looked back at Julian who stood there lamely. Leaning up against the door frame, he looked disinterested in what was unfolding.

Carter called off the man named Demetrius to go and get help for his thigh. The inflicted pain didn't seem to faze him as he limped carefree past me.

Before he brushed around my figure, he sent a devious grin in my direction. My eyes rolled as he walked around me.

I slowly made my way over to Carter's desk. I tried to keep my cool as I sifted through the papers. "How did you get these?" My finger traced over a specific article, the title stared boldly at me; 'IS SHE REALLY THAT GOOD?'

Not good enough to cover up her tracks apparently.

These were private files. They had no right-

It's a newspaper, Ronnie. It's for the public.

I rolled my eyes at the conversation I was having in my head. I heard Julian's voice creeping closer to my body. "That article explains how you were able to capture a member from ISIS a-"

I finished his sentence, "and manage to get information out of him, saving American citizens."

I looked at another article as I spoke, "Your point?"

"The point is, you're good." Carter rubbed his eyelids. The wrinkles that I never noticed before are much more evident in harsher lighting. Crows-feet dangled around his eyelids in every direction. His voice was lower and much quieter, "Too good for anyone's liking."

Julian scoffed. "She isn't that good, Carter."

Carter shuffled through articles upon articles, papers over papers, just to find something. He pulled a document out of the bunch. He threw it at Julian. "She is that good."I looked over to Julian who stood a foot away from me to my left. My eyes beamed over to the document. I slowly leaned over so I could see what it says.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2020 ⏰

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