A Word From The Demonian Demigod

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Hi there, you all remember me right? I'm Asurai, the Demonian Demigod and I just wanna thank all of you for supporting me and my master in writing these stories. Who's my master you ask? Why, you're looking at him right now. He's been telling me that he's been really happy ever since he read The Rage Of Demonia, staring me of course, to all of you and wanted to make more stories. I even heard from some of you that I was your favorite character. Besides that, there's something you must know about my master. He wasn't always social like he is now, he was shy, he didn't have any friends, he was always...isolated, because of his anger he's been holding for nearly 15 years. As you all know, my power grows because of determination, support, positivity and sometimes anger, but that's why he created me, because he was lonely, had nobody to talk to because he's afraid that he might be judged for the way he is and afraid that people might not talk to him because he was always angry. That's why he always depend on me to cheer him up, because we're related, which is what I'm about to talk about next, so listen closely. People say he looks intimidating whenever he gets angry, but me and him are just alike in a way, we both been through a lot, we were both weak at a time, and we both get angry at times. When he was young, he was tortured and disrespected by his stepparents and his brother and sister, he was treated unfairly because they thought he was always lying, so he decided to live down here with his mother, and now he turned into a new leaf. Now this is a story about my wife, Narugenia. She's clueless of who she really is. Now what my master told me is that you guys gave him some ideas about Narugenia, and I'm pretty sure she'll be excited to hear it throughout the story. Now before I go, I just want to let you know that my master is gonna be reading the story, not me, so if you hear my name during the story, that let's you know that he's reading it. Second, make sure you guys try to talk to him more, he maybe able to give you some hints in writing a good story and probably act like total monster, that is if you want to. Speaking of which, I also heard he has an assistant with him, I think the name was 'Alex' right? And last, but not least, keep supporting him, I'm not the only one that's getting stronger. He may not look like much, but he has spirit, a demonic spirit. Other than that, if you want to meet me, just talk to my master, and he'll tell me to "possess" him, so if you see him acting like he's possessed, that's me taking over. Now I'm not gonna make him transform into me, I'm still gonna be in his body, so don't expect any flames or anything. Also, listen to your teacher, she may let you talk to your friends before class actually starts, but that doesn't give you a reason to talk while someone is showing all of you who he/she truly is and what they're capable of up on stage, it's not right. My master always says to me, "everybody has a spirit inside of them, it just takes time to let them figure it out on their own." Now he that means that everybody has a talent, it just takes time to find it. Other than that, I better let you guys go, it's been a pleasure to meet you all and I can't wait to see how talented you all are for the rest of the school year. And remember, whenever you feel down or having trouble with something, don't be afraid to talk to us, and everybody's different in a way, and everything that I said, it came from my Demonian heart. So enjoy the story and I'll see you...well, anytime, I'm always around. Just do me a few favors: never stop being different, support your friends and loved ones, never give up, and keep believing in yourself.

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