You know that feeling you get?
The one that makes you feel like you're falling.
That feeling that makes you feel sound of mind, yet completely out-of-control.
The one that makes you feel warm, yet you feel as if you're dying from the cold.
The feeling at makes you reluctant, yet eager at the same time.
The one that makes you feel accustomed to our home, yet you wish to see the world.
Dark but at the same time, light
Vibrant but at the same time, dull
I feel secure but still shaken. Like i'm safe in an eternal earthquake.
To feel the everlasting pulse of my heart just before I reach my final breath
To know the jolt before electricity zaps
To know the push and pull of the tide like my own heartbeat, but feel as if I could be knocked off balance at any second.
To feel the breeze, yet feel no interference
I can stand in the middle of a wildfire but can breathe just fine
I can touch the blade but don't feel the bloodshed
When my hands radiate heat but my fingers are ice cold
I'm shaking but feel still.
I'm breathing but feel nothing
I feel numb but at the same time, full of movement
When I can't close my eyes after I feel drained of energy
When I feel like I'm faint......
And going to fall right through the earth
I just need someone to catch me