Chapter 15

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My parents were simply blinking at me most probably due to the shock of what I just said and suddenness of it. “Okay now I want you both to know that my decision was very tough but some events made it much easier.” This alerted my parents as their foreheads crinkled with concern.

“Honey is everything okay?” My mom spoke.

I sighed and contemplated if I should tell them. “Well it will be. I liked a guy. Went to prom with him. He asked me out last night. I said yes. Just broke up with him about 10 minutes earlier because he was a jerk.” I said and just the thought of it all brought tears to my eyes.

For the first time in forever my mom didn’t call me out over swearing. Shaking my head I took a deep breath and cleared up my eyes.

“Honey I swear just tell me his name and I will make him regret he ever existed.” My dad spoke up.

It was an understatement to say that he was pissed off.  “I know you won’t it is the Anders son but it is beside the point. Mom, Dad I don’t want to see him for a very long time now. You two can’t tell anyone that I am in New York or wherever I am. No one who can get the information to him. I am going to block him from everywhere. I will talk to the girls and I know you will want to tell Mr. and Mrs. Anders about moving to New York and me going with you but you have to make sure that they don’t tell Tyrell. Also Dad. Please never think I am leaving because I love you less or I have a grudge or blame you for all this. I don’t blame either of you nor myself. I am going because of what happened. But also because I got a really good opportunity for my future. I got into Parsons, New York. On 75% scholarship Dad. The money we saved for college will be more than enough and I can stay with mom so no extra dorm and food expenses. It is one of my dreams schools. Please Dad?” I said as I now sat beside him on the couch looking at him with pleading eyes.

“You do know that I love you a lot?” A smile overcame my face.

“IS THAT A YES?” I asked already hugging him while shivering with excitement.

“Yes! But.” Oh shit! The BUT.

“You have to promise me that you and your mom are coming back for the holidays otherwise me and your sister will come there?”  He said with raised eyebrows waiting for an answer.

I looked at my mom expectantly and she just gave us both a smile before nodding “Sure. Why not?” I screamed in happiness.

After my little celebration I went upstairs after telling my mom to let the girls up when they come.

~an hour later~

Our hot chocolates were long forgotten as they ran cold on my bedside table. The girls and I were seated on my bed. Scarlett and Olivia had their arms circled around me with a box of tissues in my lap as tears streamed down my face. Olivia was rubbing my back in a soothing way trying to get me to get a hold of myself. Isabella on the other hand was pacing in the room and giving me a pep talk which held the message of girl power, planning Tyrell's murder along with Ella's and it also included A LOT of cursing at the pair. Mainly at Tyrell seeing we are already used to Ella's bitchiness.

Through this whole thing Ava was oddly quiet. If I wasn't occupied with bawling my eyes out I would have noticed the tears roll down Ava's face 5 minutes before as she stared at her lap with her hair forming a curtain around her which she hid behind but she couldn't hide it from me. As my tears dried up and I finally gained some self-control it took a few seconds for me to realize that something was wrong with Ava.

"Ava what happened?” I spoke up scooting towards her.

When she looked up at me I was shocked to say the least. Streaks of tears were lining down her face and just about then my heart broke…even more.

"I am so sorry for Tyrell. I am ashamed of what he did; angered and disgusted he is related to me. He is such an asshole I cannot believe I fell for his act. I honestly didn't know anything about what he was really doing if I had the slightest of an idea I would have made sure he was far away from you." She said sniffing and hiccupping as she brought her crying to slow end.

“Look Ava it isn’t your fault and I would never blame you for it and I know that and you should know that too. But you need to stop blaming yourself. It happens. We are young and these kind of heartbreaks are like mandatory in a teen life. I got it too. I am amazed at myself that I actually fell for him but the guy has got a charm and now I know what that kind of charm is. I am going to be fine. It will be back to normal soon enough. I am going to go to New York this Friday. It is Sunday today and there are five days till I get my new start. My parents talked to Principal Montgomery and they will get my exams checked before everyone else so I can get my grades. There are like 2 weeks left. I am exempted from attending school. I just need to go in tomorrow morning and get all important assignments that are in these 2 weeks that I don’t have yet and those will be given to me. I was going to be valedictorian. But seeing that now I won’t be able to even be at the graduation I will get a letter of recommendation instead. It is all set. I am looking forward to this new start. I will be fine. I have many more important things to do now with the move than wallow over those two. As far as you guys stand. I am going to miss you. But if you want once I and mom are settled you guys could come down to New York.” I said putting on a smile as my arm hung around her shoulder pulling her close and looked at the rest of the girls.

Ava smiled through her tear streaks as her tear clouded eyes cleared out. “I am holding you to that promise Avian.” She said and engulfed me in a hug.

It wasn’t long till I heard Isabella scream “PILE ON!”

Before either I or Ava could escape the heavy weight of 3 growing teenage girls had landed on us. I was stuck in an extremely uncomfortable position jabbing my elbow wherever I could trying to squirm my way out. But it all proved to be unsuccessful till I started negotiation and within a few minutes two of them were scrambling away from on top of me and Ava except Isabella who still layed sprawled across us. I guess watching Love Actually for the billionth time was not a good enough deal.

“What else do you want Bella in order for you to get your fat ass off of me?” I asked squirming a little.

“Firstly don’t offend my Kim K ass and secondly I will remove my EXTRODINARY ass only if you go down and make us all popcorn. Like A LOT of it. And also ice cream. I know that by now your mom has a few pints of it in the freezer ready to soothe your hormones.” She said giving me a cheeky smile.

I rolled my eyes at how much truth what she said held regarding my mother. “Okay fine. Now get off.” I said letting out a grunt.

She smiled happily as she got off both of us leaving us gasping for breath. “Love you honeys.” She said blowing kisses at me and Ava receiving the finger in return from me.

“Come on girls put on your jammies.” She said turning to the rest of the two girl’s fist pumping the air.

I rolled my eyes and made my way downstairs with Ava in tow. “Ave you know there is only one tub of Butterscotch Ribbon and I really feel like having it to myself.” I said as I stood beside her on top of the staircase.

“You wouldn’t.” she said threateningly looking at me with a narrowed gaze.

“Wouldn’t I?”  I said with a smirk.

We stared at each other for a few minutes before we sprinted down the staircase. I was laughing loudly when I suddenly bumped into Ava who had stopped at the bottom. I opened my mouth to ask her what happened but before I could she turned around and signaled me to shut up.

I looked at her questioningly. “I think Tyrell’s’ at the door.” She said signaling to the open door with my dad standing there with his back towards us talking to someone.

I immediately froze and stared at the door as Ava stood in front of me in silence as if at any time a pack of wolves would jump at us and she just HAD to protect me no matter what.

In the next few minutes we could hear the murmurs of my dad and most probably Tyrell if my ears were right before eventually my dad came in and closed the door behind him. As he turned around and his gaze landed on me the look of sadness that flooded his features was a signal enough to confirm my theory yet I still continued to ask him. “Was it him?” I said in an emotionless voice.

“Yes honey but don’t worry him I told him not to bother you anymore.” He said side hugging me.

“Okay thanks dad. Love you.” I said kissing his cheek.

“I love you too honey.” He said kissing the top of my head.

“Hello Mr. Brinley.” Ava said as I dragged her rest of the way to the kitchen.

“Hello Ava.” My dad said chuckling.

Upon getting in the kitchen we opened the freezer to see that there were exactly 5 tubs of each of ours favorite ice cream flavors resting in the freezer. My mum knew all of us so well from the sleepovers and post break up therapy and movie nights. My tub of cookies and cream, Ava’s Butterscotch Ribbon, Olivia’s Cherry Macaroon, Isabella’s Rainbow Swirl and Scarlett’s Rocky Road.

I pulled out the tubs of creamy goodness and 5 tablespoons as Ava started putting the first of the 5 bags of microwave popcorn. I had slipped on top of the marble slab as Ava looked at me.

“You okay babe?” Ava said her head tilted to the side as she gazed up at me.

“I am going to be fine. Nothing a little cookies and cream can’t fix.” I said smiling at her.

She nodded but before she could say anything Scarlett’s voice spread across the house. “Get your lazy as-butts up here with our ice cream and popcorn. We have the Prime Minister of England waiting over here.”

We simply laughed at her over dramatic dialogues.
As me and Ava talked about the most random things it seemed as if my mind was in another world partially with thoughts that came up in my mind. I thought of all the things that I would be leaving behind and missing on in the future. But I wasn’t as sad about it because I knew that in return of it I would be getting so many better opportunities that would lead me to being able to fulfill my dreams. I would be able to have a fresh start away from everyone who hurt me. Everyone toxic to my life and unnecessary for my life. I would slip away from this part of my life as discreetly as I entered it. If wailing my head off counted as discreet. I would start a new life and focusing on taking every opportunity I could get to fulfill my dream to its fullest.

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