Wreck:Winchester sister×reader

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I flip flopped from 1st person to 3rd person in this imagine. It was easier to capture the brothers and Y/N's emotions all at one time. I'm sorry if it's confusing.

You smiled as Dean tossed you the Impala keys. You were ecstatic he'd bever even let you breath near the steering wheel but see as how you needed to buy tampons he wanted nothing to do with this trip. You quickly ran to the Impala before Dean changed his his mind. You practically squealed as the engine roared to life and pulled out.

You were driving down the road, windows, down, and ACDC blasting through the radio. You began singing to the song as stopped at a stop sign. You continued to sing as you pulled your foot from the brake and moved it to the gas. You pushed the impala to the middle of the intersection as a 18 wheeler came from no where. It felt like everything went in slow motion. You felt the sudden impact as it you we're hit from the driver's side. You screamed as you felt the car began to turn and tumble, flipping it over on the roof. Blood began to rush to your head as the roof caved in slightly. The semi truck continued to push the car back into another flip, one after the other. Finally the Impala quit flipping and landed onto it's ceiling. The seat belt hugged your chest, making it hard for you to breath. Your head was pounding and blood was flooding your eyes. As you began to black you could hear screaming and sirens in the distance.

Sam was getting worried about you. It only took twenty to get to to town and you had been gone for almost two hours. Dean was more angry than worried it had been almost two hours and his 'Baby' wasn't home yet. He growled slightly as he saw your name pop up on Sam's phone. Same quickly answered and a stern voice said," Hello, I'm officer Bates. I'm calling regarding Y/N L/N. Is this Sam?" Sam sat up stiff as he heard the man's seriousness voice. Sam cleared his throat as answered a quick 'yes'. The officer let out a loud sigh and said," Y/N has been in an accident. I'm going to be honest, she's currently on life support and it's not looking too good. I'd get here as quick as you can." Sam quickly hung up as he threw on his jacket. Dean gave him a worried look and followed his actions. Sam frowned and said,"Y/N was in a accident. It's not good." Dean's face paled as he followed his brother to his mustang.

The Winchester brothers ran into the hospital lobby. Finding nurses and doctors walking and talking to one another. Dean ran to the lobby desk asking for your room number. Once they got to your room you were attached to a ventilator and a million other machines. You had an IV in each arm, blood pressure cuff on your right arm, and a heart monitor recording your slow heartbeats. Dean walked over to his little sister whose life hung in the balance. He wished he'd drove you or never gave you the keys but he knew that he couldn't change anything. Sam gasped slightly as he looked at his sisters legs. One was wrapped in a black cast as the other was amputated below the knee. Tears began to fall from the your brother's faces as your Doctor walked in. He gave the brothers a sad smile and said," Are you her family?" The boys hust nodded as their eyes never left you. Dean cleared his throat and said," We're her brothers." The doctor just nodded as he came closer. He looked over her heart monitor and blood pressure before he turned back to the brothers. He placed her chart at the foot of the bed and said," Y/N was involved in a crash with an 18 wheeler. The truck had made her flip five times. She's incredibly tough, she was somehow still awake when the paramedics showed up. She has slight swelling in the brain but we've already took care of that. The main reason she's on a ventilator is because of where she's was in surgery for her legs and the anaesthetic we used. When we wake her up she'll be on oxygen but by nasal canula not the ventilator. Where she had rolled her leg were completely crushed. The right one was lucky to have blood and the bone was easy to fix but the left leg had zero blood flow and the bone was completely crushed. There was nothing we could do. We want to keep asleep for the night atleast so we can keep her brain injury monitored and if anything pops up we can fix it. She's tough, she'll be just fine." The boys nodded as the doctor left them alone with their little sister. Sam couldn't get over her leg. Sam was hesitant when he laid his hand on her left knee as he looked over the white bandage covering the bottom of her new disability. Dean took her hand in his and placed a sweet brotherly kiss on her forehead.

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