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You and Jensen sat side by side during a Nerd HQ panel. You lauged as Jensen was talking about one his many pranks on set as the attention of the croud switched to you. A young girl in a SPN t shirt smiled as she said," I heard a rumor that you're engaged to Jake! Is it true?!" Your smile deflated slightly as you felt Jensen's and the crowd's attention divert to you. You cleared your throat as you slowly brought the mic up from your lap. You put on your best fake smile and said,"Jake's gonna kill me but yes. We got engaged three weeks while we were on vacation in Scotland." The crowd cheered as you looked towards Jensen. You saw a look hurt flash upon her features befire he quickly clapped and gave you a smile. Nerd HQ host, Zachary Levi smiled as he said," Well isn't that sweet. Come on girl, show me that ring?!" You gently pulled on the chain around your neck, bring the attached ring from under your shirt. You giggled slightly as leaned over to show him the ring. He fanned his face lightly as he looked over the large diamond. He pointed at her and said," You got a keeper. Look at that rock!" You just nodded and smiled as you looked at the large diamond. You actually hated it. It was beautiful but it was too much. You were a simple girl and this ring was just not you. Jensen couldn't help but frown as he thought of you with another man. After you two divorced seven years ago, he knew that they would meet someone else but it still hurt.

You and Jensen sat beside one another again in the car to the hotel. Jensen frowned and said," Why didn't you tell me? I know we're divorced but we've always been best friends." You didn't know what to say as you shuffled around in your seat trying to ignore Jensen's gaze. You looked out the window and said," I didn't tell you because Jake asked me not to. We just told our families a week ago." Jensen rolled his eyes as he thought of Jake. You turned to him and gavw him a evil look. Jensen knew that look, you had something up your sleeve. You pursed your lips as you said," Well since were best friends and share everything, when were you going to tell me that Daneel's pregnant." Jensen gave her a confused look before you continued," And don't you dare play stupid. I know that signs of pregnancy when I see them or have you forgotten." Jensen's face completely depleted as you brought up the child you had together. You heart sank as you saw his face and you felt yourself get sick as you thought of Benjamin. Jensen gave you a look of disgust before he turned towards the window. You found yourself doing the same as tears sprung to your eyes. As both of you arrived at hotel Jensen quickly ran towards elavator, leaving you in the lobby. You finally let the tears falls as you took the stairs. With each floor you climb, the tears began to fall. Around floor 10, you sat on the staircase wiping at your cheeks.

A hotel security guard made his way up the steps to find you still in the stairwell. He gave you sad smile and said,"Ms L/N?" You just nodded as he continued,"Ms. L/N, Mr. Ackles and your two's bodyguard, Cliff,has been looking for you. Let's get you up to your room." He held out his hand and you gladly took it, letting him help you up. He got you to the closest elavator, taking you to your room. He opened your for you to find Cliff and Jensen pacing the room. You mumbled a quick 'thank you' to the security guard before shutting the door. Cliff and Jensen looked up as you walked past them to the mini bar. You opened a small bottle of vodka before pouring it into glass. Jensen gave you an incredulous look and said," Really?! You disappear for three hours and don't tell anyone anything! Just walk in here and pretend we're not in here so you can fuel your drinking problem!" You quickly shoot baco the drink letting the burn coat your throat before letting out a slight cough. You grabbed several more mini bottles not caring what they were as you said," Well I disappeared because I figured you didn't want to see me and my big, fat, stupid mouth till we both calmed down. You're right have a drinking problem. I've had one since Benjamin died and since I found out I couldn't have anymore kids. I've had one since I found out it's my fault that Benjamin died! I've had one since we divorced! I have one because I still love you!" Once the words fell iut of your mouth you practically ran to one of the bedrooms in the suit, slamming and locking thr door. You quickly stripped your clothes as Jensen beat on the door screaming your name. You walked to the bathroom filling the bath tub as you poured yourself another drink. Jensen growled slightly and said," I swear if you try to hurt yourself, I'll nock down this door." You rolled your eyes as you walked to the door. You leaned your forehead up againt the cold wood as you said," I'm not going to hurt myself. I just taking a bath. Please, Jay, I just poured my heart out to you. I need an hour to take a bath and calm myself." You didn't hear reply but you heard his footstep and grumbling as he walked from the door.

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