Voices : Team Free Will×reader

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Trigger warning- mental illness and suicidal thoughts.

You set your journal down on the bed as  finished another entry about the voices in your head tell you. Usually it was just complete nonsense, like just a constant phrase being repeated or just random ugly words. But today was a bad day. It was another day of being told to kill yourself, hurt yourself, or hurt the brothers. Writing out the thoughts usually would help expel them from your mind for awhile.but today, they kept buzzing around your head. You needed some fresh air. Absentmindedly you left the tattered journal on your bed, grabbing your keys you began to walk down the hall. Sam and Dean sat at the library table a sandwich and beer in front of them. Dean pointed to the kitchen and said," There's a sandwich with your name on it. You should eat." You just waved him off as you pulled in your jacket from one of the chairs. You jingled your keys and said," I'm going out for awhile. You guys need anything?" The boys both shook their heads as you made your way to the stairs.

Once you were gone Sam stood and said," She's acting off again, Dean. It's been happening a lot more lately now. I thought it was just a bad hunt or something." Dean just nodded as  he thought about how distant you were. You loved good as much as he did, began to notice you not eating as much as you did. He's noticed much weight you've lost, he was worried about you. Dean stood and made his way to your room with Sam in on his heels. Dean and Sam began searching the room but not trashing it either. Sam looked down at the bed to find a notebook. Sam's fingers skimmed the worn cover as he picked it up. He looked over to find looking through your music collection. He walked and said," I found her journal. Should we open it." Dean just shrugged as he took the old notebook. He flipped the front cover and said," She won't expect it from you but she will from me." His eyes began skimming the nasty, ugly thoughts that covered the first page. His jaw tensed slightly as Sam read over his shoulder. Sam sighed as he said," Oh, Y/N."

You sat on a small bench at the local park watching the children play on the jungle gym. She watched as this boy would try to climb the monkeybars but he would call off, but once he'd call he was climbing again. He never gave up. A woman sat beside her and said," Which one is yours?" You looked to find a woman about the same age as you and she was expecting. You smile slightly and said," None of them. But my son he loved coming to the park, sometimes it helps to be here." She nodded as she gave you a sad smile. She put a hand on her  bulging belly and said,"I'm sorry." You just shrugged as you watched that little boy on the monkey bars shape into your son. You knew it was your mind just playing ticks but you just smiled. You felt a tap on your shoulder and you found Cas looking down at you with weary eyes. He cleared his throat and said," Sam and Dean said they have been trying to reach you. They're worried about you." You said a quick goodbye to the expecting mother and followed Cas out of the park.

Once you arrived at the bunker you found the btothers at the table in the library. You gave them a soft smile till you noticed their solemn expression. Dean slammed your journal on the table and said," What is this?" You gulped as you felt a knot began to grow in your throat. You sat down as you began to feel dizzy. You just shrugged as you said,"It's a journal." Dean harshly chuckled as he began to pace. You looked down at your hands as Sam said," Why didn't you mention these issue before? We could help you." You grabbed your journal and began rubbing the soft pages. You bit your lip as you said," I've been like this since I lost my son. It sounds crazy but the voices they keep me on track." Cas came to stand next to you. He placed two fingers on your forehead. You felt a sense of euphoria as the voices in your head began to slowly go away. Once his hand left you felt at peace. Cas smiled softly and said," No deserves a torture like that, Y/N. Not even the devil himself." Dean walked towards said," We're a family. Family helps one another. Next time you feel the least bit sad you come to us. Okay?" You just nodded as pulled out a lighter. You set the book on fire. Watching it burn, all the evil, ugly thoughts burned away as you threw the old journal in a metal trash can. Dean, Sam, and Cas watched you as you were infatuated with the burning book. Dean came to stand by you and say," Let's get ya something to eat. I've got a patty melt with your name on it." You smiled for the first time in a while. You loved your boys.

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