Chapter One

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I took a deep breath and closed the envelope. Done. I was determined to win this contest. I simply had to win, it was my only chance to actually meet the boys all by myself. It really was a once in a lifetime opportunity. I dropped the sealed white envelope into the mailbox and crossed my fingers, hoping for the best. The winner was going to be announced in a week, so I didn’t have to worry about it for a long time. My mom honked, so I thanked the young man at the post office and ran back to the parking lot. The door was open and the passenger seat was empty, waiting for my return. I sat down and fastened my seatbelt, turning to look at my mom. She flashed me a warm smile and I smiled back brightly, looking down afterwards.

“When is the winner announced? Are you nervous?”, she asked, her eyes glued to the road.

“Next week, and yeah but only a bit, I guess,” I shrugged as I muttered back, sighing.

I looked out the window, watching the night lights flash past us. I felt my phone go off, and I glanced down and noticed I had a new message. I cleared my hair out of my face and slid it behind my ears and unlocked my phone. It was from my friend Allison, probably my only friend who is a dedicated directioner like myself.

did you send your submission for the contest already? just sent mine in! :)

A smile spread across my face as I read the message. I really hoped that if I didn’t win, she would. It was kind of sad that the winner couldn’t bring a friend or a companion, I really wanted to meet the boys with her. I bit my lip as I wrote my response:

yeah! I’m so nervous…I hope one of us wins, we really deserve it. good luck :)

I put my phone away as I realised we were home. I unbuckled my seatbelt and got off the car, shutting the door on my way out. My mom handed me the front door keys so I could open it for her. I skipped up the stairs and opened the door as fast as I could and ran up to my room, shouting an apology back at my mom for running inside so quickly. I closed the door slowly, smiling as I revealed all the posters behind it. I didn’t like putting posters anywhere visible because it made me uncomfortable, I always feel like I’m being watched. I watch too many horror movies.

My posters meant a lot to me, even if they weren’t always out in the open. I didn’t let my friends look at them for too long, I felt like they were invading my privacy. I still couldn’t believe that if I’m lucky enough I might get to see those five beautiful boys in flesh. I’ve even been preparing my speech just in case I do win, but I’m sure I’ll forget half of it when the boys are right before my eyes. My eyes traveled around my room and fell into my little One Direction shrine. I walked over to run my hands over my small collection of 1D merchandise. I owned two copies of Up All Night, the normal edition and the Limited Yearbook Edition, the Up All Night Live Tour DVD, and Dare to Dream: Life as One Direction, their second book. I also had the One Direction paper dolls, who sat beside my book and my DVD’s and CD’s.

I heard a knock on my door and turned around to see my mom peering through my door.

Marie, love, are you hungry?”, she asked, offering me a loving smile.

“Nah, I’m alright. Thanks, mom,”I reasured her as she nodded, opening the door a little further.

I walked over to give her a goodnight hug. We wished each other a good night and I closed the door after she walked out. I rubbed my eyes, feeling a little tired. I collapsed onto my bed, closing my eyes and trying to remember if I really answered all the questions on the submission for the contest correctly. They were basic questions, just the things true fans know. Some of them were really stupid and easy, like listing the full names and birth dates of the boys, all their songs and some of the people who helped writing them and other easy facts. For some reason I thought that those were not really the questions that mattered, because the submission also included a section of opinion questions. This section included which band member you relate the most to, what song you like the best, what do you like the best about each member, your favourite song, for how long you’ve been a fan of One Direction and finally the most important one, why you deserve to meet the boys.

I wrote a really clear answer for that one, basically detailing that I don’t think it’s enough just knowing them from interviews and their books. I needed to meet them because I needed to know what they’re really like. What if they’re not as nice as they act like they are, as the sweet and immature as they pretend to be in interviews? What if they’re not the boys I thought I had fallen in love with? I didn’t want to believe these thoughts were true, but I needed to make sure they weren’t myself. Plus, I had a lot in common with them and I’m sure we’d have a laugh. I needed to show the boys that I was more than just a fan, even if I really wasn’t. I needed to show One Direction that not all of their fans love them only for their music and their looks. And I really need to tell them how much they mean to me, because I’m a 100% sure they don’t read through all the tweets and fan letters they recieve every day. I wrote that last paragraph over 20 times, trying to find a convincing answer, and that’s when I knew I was done.

I even started writing my submission and getting emotionally and mentally prepared the day a magazine announced the contest. Good thing I actually decided to read the magazine, because I really only but these pop/teenage magazines to get free posters. All the articles I’ve read in the magazines are always cliché and cheesy, like they even have mini tests for you to find “Your perfect One Direction boy”, which I find useless. They have way too obvious questions, for example, “What would you rather recieve for your birthday, a) a stripped dress and a bag of carrots, b) a blazer and a cat, c) a turtle and cookies, d) a Nando’s, e) a mirror and make-up products.” Of course I did these kind of tests anyway, but they weren’t really accurate and fun.

I was laughing at one of these tests when I found this little article at the end, and it was about the contest, so thank god I decided to finish the test. Maybe I should start paying more attention to these little tests and pointless magazines. I mean, they’re provinding my only chance to meet the boys. I sighed and felt relieved and satisfied with my submission. There was nothing to loose, I was going to be really disappointed if I didn’t win but hey, I did my best and that’s all I could do for now.

I got up and skipped to my closet, taking off my shoes and throwing on my pj’s. I brushed my teeth and my face before climbing into bed, checking twitter one last time. I put my ipod down and turned off the light. I smiled to myself and closed my eyes. Now I just have to wait one more week, and hope for the best.

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