Chapter Seven

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Sorry for the pointless chapter I uploaded last time! I didn't have chapter seven ready and some of you were asking for another chapter already, so I had to do something, and the lyrics on the previous chapter gave the title and meaning to this story. Please vote and comment if you like it! It means a lot.

Camille xx


I sighed and glanced at Harry. He smiled weakly and shrugged. I was in my bathroom locked with Harry Edward Styles, and the lock was on the other side. Things obviously couldn’t get any more awkward. When I daydreamed about meeting my favourite band member I didn’t expect to get locked in my own bathroom with him after baking cookies. The curly haired lad took his phone out of his back pocket and relaxed on the floor with his back against the closed door. I was leaning against my bathroom counter when Harry patted the spot beside him, gesturing me to sit next to him on the cold tile floor. I sat by his side and flashed him a bright smile.

“Well, we’re going to be here for a while. Lou just can’t get enough of putting me into awkward situations”, he cleared his throat, chuckling.

“Yeah, I can imagine. He does that a lot, doesn’t he?” I nod in agreement and cross my legs, getting more confortable.

“Yes, he does. But that’s why we all love him so much,” Harry whispers. I bite my lip, looking down. Harry always looks so happy when he talks about Louis, you can see his eyes shine brighter than ever and his smile glows in a whole different way than usual. Louis makes the boys genuinely happy, there’s no doubt about that.

“I can see that. You all look so happy around him all the time, he’s amazing,” I smiled at Harry gladly. The only good thing about getting locked with him in this bathroom is that I can at least get to know him a little better, which is exactly what I wanted, of course. My thoughts were interrupted by a hair-flipping Harry Styles.

            “What’s your twitter, love? I think it’s only fair for us to follow you if you invited us all into your hous,” he said. I glanced at his phone as he opened twitter and waited for me to tell him his username so he could type it up in the search bar. I just hoped he didn’t mind it was yet another account I made to fangirl over him and his bandmates…

“It’s @narrydesires. Thank you, by the way, I’ve been spamming you to get a follow for more than a year now,” I laughed. He looked up my username and followed me instantly.

“No problem, no problem at all,” he flashed me a big smile, winking. I could feel my heart bounce against my rib cage. The way he smiled made my heart melt.

“You’re much different than other fans we’ve met, it’s strange,” Harry frowned, studying my confused expression. He could see I had no idea what he meant. “First of all, you didn’t scream your lungs out when you saw us, and you didn’t start crying either. That’s what most fans do when they see us, even if we’re far away from them. And it’s not hard to keep a 

“Harry, you have to know, it wasn’t easy to stay calm and not break into tears when I saw you on a doorstep. Lucky I’m strong enough not to scream at the sight of your faces!” I looked down, giggling.

 “Anyway, thank you for not screaming in our faces, love. It’s pretty annoying. And thank you for-” he froze as the door we were leaning against started opening slowly. We both got up quickly and the door opened completely.

“There you are! Louis and Niall told us you locked yourselves here on purpose. Of course he forgot to tell us the lock is on the other side of the door!” Liam offered us a relieved smile, with Zayn standing closely behind him.

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