Cold - Asra x Reader.

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Asra and I had been dating for quite a few months. He had taken me on dates to cafes mostly and he was the most wonderful boyfriend. But I hated when he left. He would have to go away for a while to help another city or something. I hated how the house felt when he left. It was cold. So cold. Even the freshly brewed tea I made was as cold as ice. I just wanted him to come home.

To get him off my mind I though I would take a stroll. I grabbed my cloak and walked outside. It was a warm day but I was still freezing cold. I walked to the marketplace to see if they had anything interesting. I bought a few herbs before stopping at a tea cafe near the palace. I got a cup of tea and read a book I had picked up while I sipped it.

While I sat there, sipping my tea something caught my eye. Red hair. I looked up and saw Doctor Devorak with...Asra? I was confused. I put a disguise spell on and watched them. Asra giggled at something the doctor had said. Julian attempted to hold Asra's hand. I had to leave. I grabbed my back, left a few coins on the table and swiftly left the cafe. I ran all the way to the shop. I slammed the door, panting. I rested my back against the door and began to cry. How could Asra do this to me? I though he loved me and then he went and cheated on me with Julian Devorak of all people? I sobbed loud and long. The house was colder than ever and my tears seemed to freeze on my cheeks. I fell asleep leaning against the door.

I was rudely awakened by someone trying to open the door.

"Y/N?" Asra asked popping his head through the door. His face just made me more upset. I stood up so he could get in and sulked to my room. Soon after Asra knocked on the door.

"Sweet pea are you alright? I want to see you," He said muffled by the door. I sighed.

"C-come in," I murmured.  He gently opened the door. Upon seeing my expression, he rushed over to me and wrapped his arms around me.

"What's the matter?" He asked, worried.

"Nothing," I turned away from him.

"Come on Y/N tell me," He whined. I turned to him, red in the face.

"I saw you with Julian!" I blurted. He looked at me astonished and confused.

"Julian? Ohhh! Darling I was just meeting with him to make sure he was doing alright. I don't like him anymore, at least not like that," He explained.

"Then why did he hold your hand!?" I hissed. Asra smiled and shook his head.

"You must've left beforehand. I didn't let him. I pulled my hand away. I love you Y/N and only you," He said taking my hands in his. I blushed. "Goodness your hands are cold,"

"It gets chilly when you leave," I replied.

"Then I'll do my best to stay here more often, to keep you warm, will you forgive me sweet pea?" He asked. I nodded. "I'm glad. You're the only one I'll ever love," He leaned forward, wiped my tears away and planted a kiss on my lips. His lips were always so soft and tasted of honey and tea. I kissed him back, almost instantly warming back up. I was glad to finally be warm once more.


Hi guys! Thank you so much for reading! this story was requested by the lovely __blessthismess__  thank you for requesting!


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