I couldn't see anyone around me. Noah was gone and it was all my fault. I should've never left with him. So I decided that I was going to get up and go back to the boarding house and find Matt to tell him about what happened. All of a sudden out of no where someone came, it was so powerful. I felt so powerless against it. Then everything went black, dark dark black. I couldn't do anything to help anyone or to find Noah.
Later that night
I woke up in a dark place, well what seemed to be dark. Until my eyes become well adjusted to the lightning, then I could see everything. There was someone in the same room as me, but he was chained up to a wall so he couldn't do anything. "Hello?" I asked loudly to make sure I was heard by him. " Hi, back at you. You were out for a while, I'm Aiden. You must be...?" He said by to me, waiting for me to respond. "Oh, uh I'm Tasha. How long have you been here?" I replied to him.
"I've been here for a while, there's no counting day in here. You can't see any light." He said, as he pulled forcefully on the chains holding him to the wall. I tried to do the same, but there were no chains holding me to the wall. There was nothing holding me down, I guess I was just sitting on the ground and I could get up if I wanted to. "Aiden... I don't have any chains. There's nothing holding me to the wall!" I called over to him.
"What?! You have to do something. Uh, here come over here, and help pull out my chains." He called back to me. So I got up and walked over to him. I grabbed the chains and pulled on them as hard as I could. I pulled on them for about thirty seconds, and finally the chains broke and Aiden was free. "Aiden we need to find a way out!" I said to him.
"Yeah, we do. But before we do anything, I know we just met but after we leave and you go on your way to live your life will you still think about me? Maybe even talk to me? Or text me?" He asked
"Of course, after being locked in a cellar with someone you can't just forget them." I told him. "Hey, Aiden we're in here together for who knows how long we might as well get to know each other so. You ask me some questions and I'll answer them, and I'll ask you questions and you answer them." "Ok, sounds okay to me. Tasha, do you have a boyfriend?"
"No...Do you have a girlfriend?"
"No, but it might be complicated."
I don't really know what he meant by that, but I think I might have a feeling.
"Tasha, what is your favorite candy?"
"Uhm... I like sour patch kids. Aiden, what's your favorite song?"
"Oh, I like strip that down by Liam Payne. Do you have a phone?" Aiden asked I feel like this is going to end with me giving him my number. "Yeah, I have a
Phone. Do you have a phone?" I asked back.
"Yeah, I have a phone. Will you give me your number?"
"Hmm that depends will you give me your number?" I asked.
"Uh sure."
"In that case, then sure I'll give you my number!" I felt excited about it for the first time in my life. Excited to do something. I handed Aiden my phone-which was still charged and he handed me his-which was pretty much dead, but we exchanged numbers and then talked about a way to get out.
"Aiden I'm really tired... I think I'm going to go to bed... on the hard floor." I said to Aiden.
"Oh, okay. Uhm this might be awkward for you but you can come lay by me if you want... you know to keep warm... I mean only if you want to, you don't have to if it'll make you uncomfortable." Aiden said it was almost like he was blushing. "Aiden, it's okay. Sure... I mean I... or we wouldn't get cold." I said back to him, trying to use a serious manner. Aiden agreed and I went over to him and laid down. It felt like hours before I could fall asleep, but Aiden was surprisingly warm. So I was actually comfortable, I finally fell asleep at what felt to be midnight. I think Aiden might have still been awake when I fell asleep but I didn't want to say anything to see if he was awake, so I just fell asleep.
Hey, guys I hope you liked this chapter. Sorry it's short! And the font changed on my phone and I don't know how to fix it. (I'm not sure if it changed in like the whole story too) ——Mela