Chapter Ten: Aftermath

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After dropping Evan off at his place, I drove back to mine, thankfully without growing a stronger bond with a telephone pole. Obviously my parents would not approve of me being wasted, disapprove more of me driving wasted, and most of all not coming home until three. But they were asleep, so as long as I didn't make too much noise when going in and up to my room, I should be fine. I went around the back of the house and using my house key I opened the door and cautiously walked inside. Listening carefully for anyone awake, I continued through the house and to my bedroom. I quickly brushed my teeth to get the taste of beer out of my breath and changed, then quietly slipping into bed. Guess I'm only going to get two hours of sleep tonight.


Beep! beep! beep! Smash! Typical waking up routine. It didn't feel like I had slept in the slightest, in fact I don't even feel any different whatsoever now from when I closed my eyes. Plus I had a minor hangover, but I couldn't skip school. So reluctantly, I swung myself out of bed and threw on some clothes. Nothing to eccentric, just a simple black tee and red gym shorts. Quick deodorant swipes, comb over of the head fur, contacts in, take my pills, boom. Ready. I headed downstairs and through the kitchen.

"Morning mom." I said, trying my best to appear 100% normal.

"Good morning love, grab something to eat before you head out." My mom said from the kitchen table. I grabbed a banana, knowing all too well that I was in no state to eat anything and headed out to my car.

On the way to school I stopped at an intersection as a bus turned into my lane, headed to the school I presume. Near the back of the bus through a window I distinctly saw Evan sitting alone. The thought never occurred to me how Evan got to school, I hmguess I always assumed he got a ride from Jason or something. I wonder how today will go, seeing what Evan did last night...



Eyes. All around me, eyes. Staring at me and quickly darting away from staring at me when I looked up, as if they thought that I couldn't notice them staring at me. It was weird, no one ever pays any attention at all to me, that is unless they are harrassing the fuck out of me. I could also hear the whispers, hushed conversations to tag along with the intense staring but I could never quite make out what they were talking about. I did hear something about last night though, and to be brutally honest I only remember getting to the party and also leaving, pretty much nothing in between. What happened last night?

I also couldn't help but notice that Elliot wasn't on the bus today, only Sam occupied that seat, and he didn't look all too happy either. When we arrived at school, like normal I waited for Hunter. When I found him he looked just as uncomfortabally hungover as I was.

"Rough night?" I asked.

"Yeah. You?" He replied.

"Meh, shitty, but fun." I answered.

"'Fun' I don't know if what happened was necessarily fun, but you do you." He laughed.

"Hm? What happened?" I asked confusidly.

"Wait you don't remember? Dude you beat the shit out of Elliot!" Hunter said, snickering at me.

"Wait, what?!" I asked.

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