Chapter Fourteen: Field Trip Part I

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I think it was some museum? I'm not too sure. All I know is that my science teacher droned on and on about some field trip our entire graduating class was going to take tomorrow, and I had my parents sign it.

I put the signed form and the envelope with God knows how much money in it. on the teacher's desk as I walked in to my first period. I then went to my desk and sat there patiently, waiting for my teacher to start some boring as hell lesson on isos or something else equally as terrible.

"So, before we finish up our projects I want to quickly run over all of the stuff anyone coming on the trip tomorrow should bring." She stasrted making a list on the whiteboard of the "should brings" and the "do not brings." I was confused, why the hell would she put toothbrushes and five pairs of clothing up there?

"Wait hold up, where are we going again?" I asked, interrupting the teacher.

"D.C. Hunter, we've gone over this. Jesus why do I even bother wih you guys." She sighed. "Anyways just bring all of this, and don't bring a knife and you should be fine." Hm, I wonder if I can get Evan to go...



Yet another field trip I'd have no chance of going on. I saw Hunter turn in a permission slip too, so it looks like I'm all on my own for the next week or so while he's in D.C. Well, at least j still have Jason, right?

The bell had just rung for lunch time, and as I was walking I saw a familiar fur run up to me and started walking beside me.

"Hey Hunter." I said, without looking up.

"Hey Evan, what's wrong?" He asked clearly noticing that I was a bit iffy right now.

"Just wondering what to do for the next week." I replied.

"What do you mean?" He asked. "Ohhhh, don't worry I've got it all covered." He smirked.

"Hm?" I questioned, not knowing what he meant by that.

"I went to the office and registered you up as a student who couldn't pay so you get to go. And don't worry about your father either, I've got that covered as well. Take this." He instructed, handing me a sealed envelope. "It has a forged paper in it saying that it's a mandatory trip for a grade, so there's no way that he could say no."

I stopped in my tracks, not quite believing what I was hearing.

"So you mean...that I get to go on the trip?" I asked hesitantly, it sounded too good to be true. He nodded. I rushed forward and hugged him. "You're the best! Thank you so much!"

"Gay!" Elliot yells down at us from the end of the hallway, protected by his group of friends. I stared angrily down the hallway.

"He's straight asshole!" I shouted after him, only getting a cackling laughter in response, out of eye sight. In my anger, I didn't even notice Hunter blushing.



Evan and I both took work off today, but obviously made sure not to tell his dad. Speaking of him, he was a little upset that Evan was going to leave for a week, but was under the assumption that he couldn't do anything about it. Anyways, we took work off so that we could pack for the trip tomorrow. Well...Evan kind of already packed his things the night before. So we were both at my place upstairs in my room, packing my suitcase. My mom was home downstairs watching TV, so for once someone knew that Evan was here I guess?

"Evan, in the bathroom on the left can you grab my toothbrush and toothpaste?" I asked, leaning over the suitcase on my bed and counting the pairs of socks I had packed.

"Sure." He said. I rummaged through my shelves looking for stuff I might need, and in the back corner of one of them I found my uh *cough* disposable camera. I checked how many more pictures the film had left and it turns out I only used three whenever I had used this last so I had a good 27 left. I stuffed it in between my t-shirts and shorts.

"Found 'em." Evan said as he came back into the room, handing my stuff.

"Thanks man." I responded, barely shoving them into my suitcase and zipping it up. "Finally finished." I sighed, falling on my back onto the bed.

"'He walked down the stairs and into the light, where at the bottom she stood, the lights of the house glimmering on the dress she was wearing.'" Evan said. I was confused what the hell he was talking about, until I looked over at him, hoping for an explanation. He was reading out of a black and white composition black and white composition notebook. I leapt up and tackled him to the floor, grabbing the book out of his hands and throwing it back onto my closet floor, where it belonged. Evan roared with laughter as I held him pinned to the floor with my foot as I shut and locked my closet door.

"Oh my God Hunter." Evan laughed out.

"Shut up." I seethed through gritted teeth, bearing them at him in embarrassment [When you realize that you've never written that word before].

"Dude anyone who writes fan fiction is a total nerd." He giggled. I felt the sudden need to stare into the eyes of people who weren't there through some imaginary wall.

"Shut. Up." I growled.

"Okay okay, jeez calm down. I just didn't take you for the guy to do that kind of stuff." He said defensively.

"What 'kind of guy' did you take me for?" I asked.

"Well I don't know...typical straight sports jock or something? The usual."

"Well maybe you should try and look a little bit below the surface."

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