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I got a text from Taeyong, saying that he dropped Bera off at her house. I wanted to check on her to see if she was ok, so I drive over. I knocked on her door lightly, but no one answered. I checked if the door was opened, but it wasn't, so I went to the back and got the hidden key she told me about a while ago and sneak in to surprise her like the creepy boyfriend I am. I make my way into her room to see her already asleep snuggling with a bear on her bed. She looked so peaceful, so I let her be. I was about to leave when I noticed a picture on her dresser.

It was her and TY.

They looked so happy together, I always thought they would be a cute couple. I think hats why I asked Bera our in the first place, was cause I was jealous of him taking my best friend I have known for so long. I realized however, that I was wrong for that. I should have my two best friends happy together, but instead I caused him to ignore her. He may not admit it to me, but I knew it was the reason why. I look down to Bera, and kiss her on the cheek and she sleeps.

"This is my kiss goodbye. You may not know, but I care about you Bera, and I want you to be happy with him. I will always be here for you." I then leave and go home.
The next day, Bera runs up to me and gives me a hug. I smile down to her, as she tells me about her dream and about how she imagined that she won the dance competition and joined a company that would pay her. She was so happy, which was what I loved about her. I went through the school day like normal, but when it was lunch I was a bit more quiet.

"Bera." I look her in the face. "I'm breaking up with you." I grab my plate and walk away and sit with my other friends. I didn't go too far, I watched as she began to slowly tear up, and Sage hugged her trying to make her feel better. Taeyong even tried to help her a bit, which was good, it means what I did is working.

After lunch Taeyong comes up to me. He looked mad.

"How come you broke up with her, and why like that?" He looked like he wanted to punch me.

"At least I didn't just ignore her." He was quiet. "I like her, but I know she doesn't like me. She likes you TY, I know. I have known her, and I have never seen her act like she does with you to anyone else. I want you to have a chance with her. She will be stubborn, so don't just ask her out, show her you care and try to ask her if you can come over. The rest is up to you. I will become friends with her again, but I'll give her time to get you two together." I walk away without letting him say everything that was popping into his mind. I know I may of hurt her, and it hurt me as well, but I knew it would be for the best.

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