Chapter 11

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It's my party, and I'll cry if I want to... |


The little girl gulps nervously as the blue-eyed man presses the gun against the man on the floor's head. He twists the cold tip of the pistol against the man's temple with a disinterested expression moulded into his features.

"I'm going to ask you again, and this time you better tell me the truth--"

"I-I am telling the truth--" BAM! The sound is like thunder as the gun's fired, and the man's whimpering becomes muffled as the little girl's ears ring. The child doesn't dare to take a breath as she watches the scene play out in front of her with wide eyes.

"Don't speak when I'm talking! Were you raised in a barn?" he screams at the victimized man in a muffled voice to the little girl. The man curls up on the ground, cradling his bloody leg in pain as he cries out muffled screams. The little girl jumps as a cold hand touches her shoulder, and she turns around with her gun ready to shoot. The woman smiles at her and lowers the gun when they come face to face with each other. The woman looks back at the man with the gun; her face expresses as if she just took a sip of sour milk.

"Clarence! I thought I told you to hold your fire until I've covered her ears! We don't want our little girl going deaf!" the woman rests her hand on the little girl's cheek; her ears still ringing.

"I'm sorry Carolyn, but this man is really testing my patience," Clarence waves the gun around as if it's a toy to him; his eyes like ice, and menacing like the devils.

"It's her birthday! She gets to do it, today," Carolyn adds while crossing her arms.

"Right, of course. Sorry darlin'..." Clarence says calmly while smiling sweetly at Carolyn and the little girl.

Carolyn positions the girl's arms so that she has the gun aimed at the man on the floor. "Alright baby, just like we showed you. Don't lock your elbows, and aim for the head or heart," Carolyn explains calmly before she carefully cuffs her hands around the child's ears. The girl nods with understanding, even though her ears are still humming like a TV bar tone. She takes a deep breath and then exhales slowly. Clarence steps back and nods with approval for her to shoot. She takes another breath, exhales, then squeezes the trigger.


The man is lying limp on the ground with blood oozing out of his head, creating a puddle across the motel floor. Carolyn smiles and cheers for her as she slowly lowers the gun with wide eyes at the corpse on the floor. Carolyn hugs her tightly, and she just stands there - feeling numb from head to toe.

"I'm so proud of you, baby!" Carolyn exclaims cheerfully as she continues to squeeze the child close to her heart. Clarence walks over and puts his hand on the little girl's shoulder.

"You're a natural, kid. Welcome to the family --" he releases his grip from her shoulder -- "Now let's see how strong you are," he adds while reaching over to the duffel bag on the floor, and pulling a garbage bag out.

It's my party, and I'll cry if I want to...


"We only have one room available for the night. You know the time of year, people are travelling, visiting all of their family and whatnot..." the clerk's lively tone pulls my attention to her, and I blink dumbly at Clyde.

"Okay, that's fine," Clyde hands the woman his cash, and she hands him his key after he signs his name on the record form. This pen is chained to the desk with a necklace-like chain; unlike most motels that like to use yarn or elastic to attach the pen right to the clipboard.

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