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A/N: Hey everyone! So I have decided to post some of my stories from ff.Net and Ao3 here as well. So enjoy.


It was just a typical night on the island of Tortuga, the people were drunk and fighting as usual especially in the tavern called Faithful Bride where people were going wild with drunk men, wenches, pirates, and others.

They were also loud, the sound of glass breaking was heard due to the drunks who fell asleep on their tables. Men were chasing women who were giggling loudly. One woman was placing her skirt on one of the men's heads. Another man was seen making out with a woman in a corner. Three men were fighting over a game on a nearby table. The fight turned into a brawl and everyone joined in, yelling, cursing, screaming, and fighting. Empty bottles and glasses were thrown everywhere, causing them to break into pieces. It was indeed the usual life on Tortuga.

However, some other places on the island were surprisingly quiet and eerie. A sound of footsteps was heard walking through the road. This person was swaying in a drunk manner and holding a half-drunk jug of rum in his hand. He was also humming a tune under his breath. He lifted the jug of rum to his lips and took a long swig, then he continued walking unaware that his life will change forever.

This man's name was Captain Jack Sparrow, the current captain of the Black Pearl and an infamous pirate of the whole seven seas. He was also half-drunk but he was still aware of his surroundings. He glanced at the sky and realized it was a full moon. There is not even a cloud in sight. The sky was so clear.

Tonight was such a beautiful evening. A perfect evening for a stroll and for a drink on me ship. He thought with a smile as he once again drank from his jug. And it is quiet too.

He also knew that all of his crew must be drunk already inside the tavern. He continued hum under his breath as he walked down the quiet road with his jug of rum towards where the Black Pearl was docked. He decided to spend the night in his ship rather than in one of the rooms of the tavern for now.

The captain of the Black of the Pearl suddenly shivered, making him feel uneasy. He quickly became sober and alert, then he flicked his eyes around the surrounding area uneasily. It is not even windy but something doesn't feel right in the air and it is making him want to run away to his ship and hide there for tonight as soon as possible, but he didn't let it get to him so he slowly slips his hand on the hilt of his sword and readied himself.


A figure silently roams the place looking for prey to suck some blood dry. The eyes were glowing sinisterly and hungrily. His teeth were dripping with hunger until he found one, wobbling about with a jug of rum in his hand walking towards the dock. The man smirked and licked his lips hungrily.

Perfect! A drunk person who won't be missed by anyone here. I could also dispose of the body in the water after I finish with him. He thought with silent glee as he silently stalks his target but he saw the man tense a bit. So half-drunk then huh..but he smells so delicious. Hehehe.

He hid among the shadows and slowly start to approach behind his prey then suddenly he struck.


Jack just stood there, his hand tightening around the hilt of his sword as he took note of his surroundings when he suddenly felt an intense pain in his neck. He let out a cry of pain, dropping his rum jug to the floor breaking it into thousands of pieces and its contents were spilled everywhere.

He also could feel a very thick and warm liquid flowing freely from his neck, and he realized it was his own blood but despite the pain, he tried to hit his attacker with his sword with his blood still flowing freely down his neck.

However, he felt himself slipping because of the too much pain and his attacker was too strong for him to fight. He felt something digging deeper into his neck, something really sharp like teeth. He gave out a loud agonizing pain as the teeth dig deeper, sending his whole body into intense pain.

Shit! W-What's happening to me?! Jack screamed internally as the pain spread throughout his body. Then he felt the pressure on his neck suddenly stopped and he collapsed to the floor, panting and breathing heavily.

"Damn bloody hunters! Ruining my mealtime!" The pirate captain heard the man who attacked him cursed under his breath. "Especially I just started with it! Damn, that blasted king and his band of hunters! But I need to get going before they arrive and kill me!"

Jack could faintly hear the man leave him there to die while his body twitches in pain. He felt his consciousness slowly leaving him until he finally blacked out.


A/N: so what do you guys think? Please do not forget to leave a review...

- Paulina S. :)

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