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of hearts and war

At Bucky's pale face, Steve turned back to the room to find that the girl was staring directly at the man next to him.

Large, E/C eyes stared intensely at Bucky and if it wasn't for the large, inevitably thick window between them, Steve would've thought that she could hear him.

Looking between his best friend and the girl, he asked him, "What do you mean her wings Bucky?"

"You don't see them Steve? They're huge!"

At his answer, the girl titled her head to the side, her eyes narrowed.

"Wanda," Tony spoke, all having watched the silent interaction between the soldier and the girl. "Do you think you could use your 'witchy magic' to get in her head? See if she's a threat?"

"I could try," the sakovian girl said, standing next to her brother. Putting one hand on her head to concentrate and one out, she started.

Her eyes glowed as a red mist formed around her fingertips and traveled through the glass and across the room to the girl.

Having noticed the color, the girl turned her head, the first movement she's made since they got there, and looked to the brunette now watching her with red eyes.

Her E/C eyes followed the mist with slight curiosity. She squinted, assessing what their intentions were before seeming to widen. She started shaking her head, almost desperately, as the mist continued its path towards her.

"Well she doesn't seem to like the light show," Clint commented, watching as the girls mouth formed an 'o'.

Though she didn't move from her spot on the floor, her head still shook vehemently. Her eyes almost pleading.

When she saw they weren't going to stop, she closed her eyes. Her face formed into a grimace as she turned her head to the side to face away from the mist.

When it finally reached her, she opened her eyes to stare pleadingly at Bucky, who watched with an unknown expression on his face. He couldn't understand why exactly she was fighting it.

The mist curled itself around her face and settled over her eyes. Though unlike any others who'd undergone the Scarlet Witch's powers, she didn't react. Her eyes didn't glaze over. Her face didn't change.

But Wanda did. As the mist settled into the girl's head, Wanda seemed to crumple. An ear piercing scream erupted from her mouth as her eyes clenched in pain.

Everyone but Pietro and Bucky seemed to wince as she screamed. Pietro rushed to his fallen sister, taking her into his arms in an effort to comfort her.

"It hurts Pietro! It hurts! Make it stop," Wanda moaned from her brother's arms, her eyes shut tight as she brought her hands over her ears.

But Bucky was watching the girl. Every time a scream sounded throughout the small, concrete hallway, the girl flinched. The wings behind her ruffled agitatedly as she watched the brunette girl fall apart behind the window with a grimace on her face.

"Stop it," Pietro yelled to the girl, his accent thick as he tried to help his sister who was now sobbing in his arms. "Whatever you are doing, stop it!"

Steve pounded on the glass once as Natasha reached for a knife on her thigh. And just like that, Wanda stopped.

Everyone looked to the brunette worried, as she swayed on the ground, tears still streaming down her face as her chest heaved.

It wasn't until Wanda calmed down and steadied her breathing that Pietro put her down.

He had a stoic look on his face as he looked to the girl in the room, who met his eyes with equal intensity. He stepped forward, his hands clenched, and Bucky felt an unknown feeling rush through his chest as he watched the sakovian glare at the girl.

"Pietro," Steve tried, his arm reaching out to grab him before he could make an unrational decision.

But the boy stepped out of his reach, not even glancing back at him before disappearing, reappearing right in front of the large metal door that opened to the room that held the girl.

The others shouted his name, but he ignored them. "She hurt my sister," was all he said before he yanked open the door.

From where the others stood, they watched as the girl looked to the boy with interest, her head cocked to the side as he glared at her from the doorway.

When he took a step forwards, she shook her head. It was minute, but Natasha and Steve caught it.

"Pietro, I don't think you want to do that." They warned him. The girl had shaken her head at Wanda before she'd tried her powers and she'd gotten hurt because they didn't heed her warnings and they didn't want him to get hurt too.

He ignored them and stepped forward again. His eyes were on the her as he suddenly sped forward in a flash of silver only to explode back as he seemed to hit an invisible barrier.

The boy was thrown back into the concrete wall, where he fell to the floor groaning and cursing. From where he'd hit the doorway, was a blue shimmering wall that faded after a couple of seconds.

The girl didn't seem fazed as she glanced around the room. She posed no threat to them as she couldn't get out, and they couldn't hurt her because they couldn't get in.

"Well this is a predicament," Clint stated. "At least now we can see if she knows English."

They glanced around at each other to see who the lucky person to talk to the girl would be. A few looked to Bucky, but only for a few seconds as he seemed lost in thought. Finally, it was decided that Loki would be the one to try to talk to her.

"Alright Reindeer Games. Let's see if your people skills have improved since the last time."

It was safe to say that even though most had forgiven the god for trying to take over the world, Tony still seemed salty towards the loss of his Stark Tower.


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