Colby's pov

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This is going to be Colby Brock. A regular guest in this big ship. He will be a good friend of the great Louis Tomlinson. He won't have a girlfriend. His parents are going to be in jail, so he would live with Louis. In New York him and Lou would just have fun, if they would make it to the end.

April 10th 1912 10:30am

- Did we pack everything? - My mouth said before I had any thoughts normally going through my head. I mean, we were going inside a cruise of a lifetime to get to New York, but most importantly: on the Freakin Titanic, people!

A small boy stood beside me as we were waiting for the ship conductor to sort our tickets. They were pretty expensive, to be honest. I had a lot of money that I saved to get here, but now I barely have any left.

- Just shut up and enjoy this place. It won't last for long. - He spoke. Yup, that was the lovely message from my only true friend, Louis William Tomlinson. He had been there for me from high school till this day. He has an english accent, but that makes him even more fascinating in my eyes. He is like an angry hedgehog. But it's cute.

- You know how to always make my mood better, Tommo. - I smiled as he coughed, looking a bit annoyed. His soft spot is when I call him nicknames. First time I did it, he almost punched the shit out of me, but now he just stares angrily in front of him.

This is how we talk all the time. At first we both like really annoyed each other, but every next year we got used to that and just stayed happy while being annoying. I would call Louis as my big brother, always being there for me, but in the mean time making fun at me and bugging me for no reason.

- Here are your tickets, gentlemen. Enjoy your lovely staying at Titanic. Be sure to come back. -

Ah. The lovely staying that costed about 3 of my salary's since the start of 1912. I work as a factory worker in Southampton for about 2 years now. I'm 20 right now, almost ready to be a man. 

Louis on the other hand is from quite of a rich family, so he's usually just chilling and relaxing. He hasn't got a normal job since college. Sometimes I'm a bit jealous of his worth, but he gives me half of it anyway if I needed something so It's fine.

We got in this huge ship very early, but we wanted to wave goodbye's to his family which was watching us from behind. They also wanted to come with us today, but Louis suggested that they go the next ride, because it would cost a lot to do it now. And he wanted to have a bit of time for himself, cause he was always home taking care of his younger sisters when their parents weren't home. I also took care of them: we played a lot of fun games together and went on different adventures too. I love his family.

As we went to our cabin on the 3rd floor, we searched for the number 333 and went inside to put our bags there. Then we hurried up to the top of the ship and tried to wave and see if they wave back. They, of course, didn't see us there, because of 1000 of other people waving and yelling, but we still were happy and finally in these years I started to feel more free than ever.

I smiled to myself and saw Louis with teary eyes. Aw...this hedgehog missed his family. I wish I was sad and happy now, with tears in my eyes, but all I felt was nothing. No sadness, no nothing. Just plain happiness. But It wasn't the good one.

Louis pov

- Alright then. Let's go inside, key? - I turned to Colby with a questioning face. It was already half past 11 and we needed to pack out our things. Especially we needed to decide who's going to be sleeping on the top bed, and who's going to sleep on the bottom one.

He nodded and we both went inside, although it was harder then I expected. People were so many and everyone went to their cabins, so we had to slowly walk forwards and sometimes stop ourselves from running into some of'em.

For some weird reason I had always been afraid of stepping on someones toes or pushing into somebody. My mom has said that It's common for people, but it seemed odd to me.

When we finally reached our cabin, we saw two other people already packing out on the left side of the room. I coughed and tried to start off a normal conversation. I'm not the best person at doing that. - Hey, gentlemen. My name's Louis and this is my friend Colby. What's yours? -

The two of them smiled and the tallest one answered first. He had a brown quiff and greyish blue eyes. Looked a bit muscular, wearing a black t-shirt with light flowers on it and light blue jeans. He looked a bit older than Colby.

- Hi, I'm Aaron. This is ma friend, Corey. - The other guy smiled big as he went for a handshake. -Nice to meet you, Louis. Where are you guys from? -

This time Colby took the lead and said. - Oh, I'm from California, but I came here since high school, and he lives in Donny. - Wow, i could never admit that he talks a lot faster than me, but as I can see he can. Corey this time looked at him and checked him out a few seconds till he said.

- I'm from California as well. Aaron lives in New York, so he's actually going home right now. - Aaron laughed at that sentence and then there was a bit of a silence going on there. I fidgeted with my fingers till I sighed, looking at Colby.

- Let's unpack. - So we put all of our clothes out of our bags and then talked a bit more with the guys till it was time to go eat and soon time to sleep.

For a first night it wasn't so bad. In fact, these hours were quite a blast. 

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