6. Her Chicken Nugget Discussion

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"Seriously, Justin. What are you doing here?" Kayley yelled, exasperated. "You could be anywhere- ANYWHERE ELSE! But no, you end up HERE! Where I'm at!" She resisted the urge to smack her forehead on her bag.

"I was at coding lessons," Justin said coolly. "Lower your voice or you'll wake up the birds."

"It's seven in the evening. They can't be sleeping so early." Kayley noted.

Justin shrugged. "Maybe they needed an early night."

Kayley shook her head. Why was she making conversation with the guy who cut her queue? She was still angry about it.

"Look here, uh, I don't even know your name." Justin glanced at her curiously.

"I'm told not to give my name to strangers." Kayley replied seriously, and turned on her phone.

"I'm not a stranger!" Justin protested.

"Fine. I'm told not to give my name to potential kidnappers."

"Well, I'm honoured that you think I can knock you out, but otherwise I'm calling you 'Chicken Nugget Girl'. 'CNG' for short."

"Fine then!" Kayley burst. "I'll tell you my name if you tell me your full name."


"So I can report you to the police for harrassment."

"Oh my gosh, I don't want to kidnap you! No one wants to kidnap you! Seriously! You're too feisty and you'd probably bite my finger off if I even tried to put a handkerchief around your mouth." Justin flailed his arms about as he tried to prove his point.

"Whatever, my bus is here anyway." Kayley stood up and got out her bus card.

Justin stood up after her. "What a coincidence!" He exclaimed, half sarcastically. "That's my bus too."

"Seriously! Can you stop stalking me?" Kayley yelled.

"I get off at the fifth stop. I'm not sure about you." Justin raised his hands up in surrender.

"What. A. Coincidence." Kayley forced out with gritted teeth.

What a coincidence, indeed.


"Chicken Nugget Girl, why do hate Pepsi?"

"None of your business."

"Chicken Nugget Girl, why don't you want to start up an intelligent conversation with me?"

"I'd argue with you in a battle of wits, but it seems as if you're unarmed."

"Chicken Nugget Girl, are you always this sassy?"

"Damn it, Justin! Do you come with a 'silence' button?"

"No, Chicken Nugget Girl."

Two more stops.

Kayley had been vaguely answering Justin's questions for the past 10 minutes, and was feeling exceptionally annoyed in that duration. All she wanted to do was listen to K-Pop, not some nasally idiot's voice.

Two more stops until both of them got off. Then, she could finally whack him with her bag without witnesses.

"My turn to ask questions." Kayley ordered, annoyed. "Why are you so annoying?"

"From your perspective, that's what it's called. I go by something else."

"And what is that 'something else' exactly?"


"Same thing!" Kayley huffed, putting on her earphones. It never occured to her that she could've done that ages before to keep out the noise pollution.

"Awww, come on!" Justin sighed. "Now there's no on to talk to!"

"Mummy, why is that boy so noisy?" A high-pitch voice from the back of the bus piped up. Everyone turned towards a small boy, who looked around six, who was genuinely inquisitive.

"I don't know, Brad," his mother replied honestly. "Some children simply weren't taught manners. I pity the girl he's annoying. Maybe she just wants to be left alone."

Justin, hearing those words, sunk into his seat, and everyone on the bus started snickering. Kayley grinned victoriously. That'll teach Justin to be a loud, annoying jerk.


Justin and Kayley exited the bus at the same stop. "I guess... this is when we part ways. Tell Keagan I miss him, and he should reply to my messages." Justin extended a hand solemnly.

Kayley threw both of hers up. "It's about time!" She squealed in joy. "I won't miss you! Nor will I tell Keagan that!" She turned her back on him and began trotting towards her house, but before she was out of his sight, she turned around and flipped up the middle finger.

"Kayley," an unmistakable voice rang out when she stepped in.

"Care to explain why you haven't told me you have gotten a new boyfriend and haven't told me?" Her mother asked.

Kayley and Chicken NuggetsWhere stories live. Discover now