Chapter ten

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Sams pov
I kept a calm look on my face as I faced my father and several of the men in my room. I looked to my right to see vero. He's such a traitor he told me that my father would be alone. He knew this would happen. My dad knew of my arrival. I could tell by the smug smirk sitting on his face. Shit what did I get myself into. If I knew there were going to be several men I would have been more prepared. "Hello Sam". He old smoke filled voice spread across the room. As the men laughed at my expense. I closed the pocket knife and discreetly pit it in my bra as I pretended to fold my arms. I need to get out of here. If I don't they'll kill me. I made a move for the door only to be caught by a couple of men. They grabbed me "take her to the "HOLE". My father shouted. I knew there was no need in fighting back. I would need all the energy I could get for later. They reached the room that they refer to as the hole. I remember this place from my childhood. No memories. Nothing but nightmares and screams of mercy fill my mind as I think back to when I was young. They throw me in the dark dirty room and slam the door closed. I sit up against the wall. Thinking about why I'm here in the first place. My father grew up in a very dangerous business. His father had built up a very dangerous and well known gang. Some men wanted to knock his father down and to do so they killed his mother. My father vowed to keep his dads gang strong and to never let it fall. They use women and sell them. Human trafficking drugs murder. They do it all. My father had the woman of his dreams. She was perfect. Ready to be his ride or die. But she cut the shit. She knew what he was doing was wrong. And he didn't need anyone spilling secrets so he did the only thing he could think of. He shot his love. Right in the head. As soon as she had me. In the hospital bed. His men grabbed me as they fled from the seen. He wanted me to remember her by. He raised me to be cold to have no heart to be dangerous. But Derrick. Oh Derrick. He showed me how to love. And for that I am truly grateful. My father wants me to be the one to run his buisness after he dies. But I will not be responsible for the people that die and the women that get raped and murdered just because he wants to push on his fathers legacy. His legacy was shit and his child hood was filled with fear and darkness and I will not be another thing that gets left behind and forgotten. I will get out of here. And I won't do it alone.

Sooooooo here's chapter number one. Sams in a bit of a pickle isn't she. Let's hope she gets out alive. Anywhore I hop let you guys liked this chapter and are ready for the second chapter tomorrow. Love you guys as always.

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