Combat Training?!

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"The road to success and the road to failure are almost exactly the same." 

~ Colin R. Davis


(Just a heads up! (y/n)'s quirk in action is going to be pretty bad ass cuz why not. I gotta make ya awesome!)

-After Lunch-

The class filled into their designated room with laughter and joyful conversation. As soon as the teacher had arrived all was quiet once more.

"Combat Training," The teacher began. "We will be testing your quirk's strength in one-on-one combat. Change into your PE uniforms and head to the outdoor ring (just deal with it. I don't remember if they have one or not. So just imagine one in the area where class 1-A did their exam on the first day of school)."

The students were dismissed and walked into their assigned changing rooms. The males all looked at (y/n) with either an impressed smirk or a shocked expression once is shirt came off.

"For a singer, I'm impressed to see muscles like that on your figure. What have you been doing bro? You look so manly!" Said a sharp toothed, red head. (author-chan: Said a damn hot shark with a hardening quirk that I will love to the end of ti- I mean, Kirishima yay *awkward laugh*)

"Ha ha yeah... I guess I've been training so much and keeping up with my music career that I hadn't really noticed the change in my body." (Y/n) said as he laughed off his inattentiveness.

-At The Ring-

"I've paired you up at random for these matches. Some of you will be a good match, some won't. I honestly don't care how it ends up. I just need to know who you've improved until now."

Looking down at his match ups he smirks slightly.

"Speaking of good pairings, Yamada, (y/n) and Fumikage, Tokoyami. You two are up first..."

Many cheers and words of encouragement for both students sounded from the rest of the class as the two stepped into the ring.

"As you know, these two have quirks that oppose each other. Fumikage's being shadow and Yamada's being light. Being able to fight against an opponent who can oppose you quirk is a great skill to have and work on. Let's see how they do."

The two students face each other. (Y/n) gives off a small smile and nod to the other. The action is repeated back in a polite manner.


The two get in a fighting stance.


The teacher raises his arm and lowers it fast.


(Listen and read at the same time)

Right off the bat (y/n) begins his music, headset on and all (it's considered a support item so he can wear it). Tokoyami summons dark shadow out. A smirk is plastered on (y/n)'s faces as light forms around him. A portion of the light forms into large feathered wings on his back. The remaining light goes in front of him. Reaching his hands out in connected fists, he moves them out from each other forming a pole of light. Swinging it around in circles it forms into a large scythe. He points the large end at Tokoyami and starts to walk forward when the vocals start.

"There's a fire burning inside me... Cold steel calls out my name"

He stops at the middle of the ring.

A Musical Start ( Bnha: ??? x Male!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now