Chapter 3

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HEY what's up? Back for more or my Cringy SHIT. Noice 😛 enjoy


The girl sighs softly tapping her pencil thinking of what else to doodle in her own little booth. A worker comes up to her and politely asks her to leave. She grabs her bag putting it on slowly with a small groan tired eyes showing her lack of sleep. Nodding at the girl who had taken her order that's now trying to clean before her shift is over.

She stands from the booth and walks out the door, as the bell dings cold air whirls around her small body. Pulling her hood over her head covering her face she begins to walk fast down the streets.

Listening to cars drive by now and then, music floating with the breeze from far away house parties. How she wish she could relax and party or even just...relax. On edge, edge like the blade that lies at the bottom of her backpack. The streets seem empty of people so she doesn't bother watch where she's going until it's a little to late.

Pushed hard against the stone building she hisses in slight pain. ~Calm~ listening to the voice she stays calm eyes closed tightly, a deep loud growl fills the air. Dim street lights lighting the few of the large black wolf...~alpha~ she thinks in her mind softly.

Slowly opening her eyes to see the large wolf. Black fur deep red eyes almost black and soon a voice enters her mind confirming her thought of alpha or at lest beta...but she can feel his aura without activating her powers (A/N~only alphas and betas can mind link those not in there pack)


The girl watches him observing his stance that of defensive and offensive tail raised high, sharp long teeth bared at her. -Come- The girl looks at him in a wait what stare. "Nope" and with that she turns to walk away. Another growl echos -Come Now- A loud groan leaves her chapped lips as she throws her head back "SO BOSSYYYY" she yells with a huff crossing her arms as she moves her head back to normal.

Feeling the bruises he caused begin to form as the wolf roll his eyes and begins to walk off hitting her in the head with his tail causing her to fall on her ass. "Fuck you back" she says eyes narrowed but takes the semi peaceful route standing back up ignoring her pain following him. 

She follows him as they reach his pack house he takes her inside to his office. The gaurds leave her alone as she's with him minus the death glares she receives. The man's shifts now fully naked the girl quickly turns around "LITTLE WARNING NEXT TIME" she yells out discussed by that image she just saw Infront of her. In the huge palace gives her enough nerves as is.

"Sit" he commands her she turns around and the large buff but not to buff looking man is in a suit now black hair slightly ruffled after being in wolf form stone grey eyes looking at her brown ones.

"Ya ya ya" she says softly and sits down onto the chair "so why am I here already" she asks in a bored tone looking at her feet as they swing back and forth

He chuckles slightly at her childlike behavior which makes her stop feeling self conscious cheeks tinting a rosey red slightly. "It's me who's asking the questions. Now why are you here?" He asks her eyes narrowed as if searching for a lie

She shrugs "not like I have anywhere else to be" which is the truth making the man slightly frusterated at the girl.

"Full name?" He takes out a document from a filing cabinet, guessing he's making her a file. The his fingers grab a nearby pen writing a few things down already which makes the girl anxious.

"Rozaven Victoria Vein" her eyes stay trained to the floor.

"Parents names" he says which takes her a minute to answer causing him to look up at her questionably

"Bitch-face and Dick-head" she simply replys making him laugh slightly and her smirk at her own comment

"Can't hate your parents that much" he says with a small chuckle

"Bet" her voice serious now eyes narrowed. Words can't describe how much she hates them for how they treated her all her life.

"Dont get cocky" he says eyes narrowing "you are considered a threat to my pack and your trespassing" with that she makes a tsh sound and rolls her eyes bring a leg up onto the seat she rest her elbow on her head onto her hand

"We done yet, Mr. Arsehole" she says in a bored tone getting a growl from the man she holds back a flinch, smirking acting like she's not scared or that her heart rate didn't move faster for that split second. Even tho she's sure he heard it.

"Date of Birth" he says continuing voice a little less welcoming if at all possible. ~guess he was trying to be somewhat nice~ she can't help but chuckle lightly at her thoughts playing with her bottom lip with her thumb under the sleeve of her dirty hoodie.

"May 4th 2000" she says not looking anywhere in particular boredly

"Powers" he asks the girl doesn't answer right away

"None of your business" she says at last and he looks up at her eyes narrowed

"Look it's either you tell me shit or you get the fuck out and never come back unless you want killed" his voice unforgiving and cold. One thing to similar to others she's heard, she recoils slightly his eyes cold, heartless... She holds back memories from playing in her mind.

"I don't know half them" she says in her own growl, protective walls building up high. He seems to take a deep breath to calm himself.

"Then what are the ones you do?" He says the same tone as before

"Healing...telekinesis...stopping time around me or certain things" she lists on her fingers saying a few tho she knows she has more she's experienced them

"Keep going I see it in your face you have more"

Taking a deep breath "destruction" images flash by her eyes making them water but she holds it back not daring to breath or look at him till she calms down again.

"What kind"

"All kinds"

With that there eyes meet a slight understanding of she doesn't want to talk about it and to please take what info she did gave as enough.

"Can we be done now?" She asks itching to get out the house full of people who hate her for how she was born.

"One more thing, place of residence" and with that the girl freezes again blushing embarrassed. Who wants to tell someone like him they have no home. She hates pity, so she gives a fake address. He allows her to leave and she takes off to her little area that is hers of the woods that's not in territory of the wolfs

THANKS FOR READING!!! Now she isn't 18 just yet so it'll be a bit before any mate shit I want you all to know her first


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