Chapter 17: Breakfast

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Christian pulled up to a diner by the name of Fraser's. It looked pretty down to earth and cosy. I didn't mind eating here but I doubt I will eat much.

Food is the last thing on my mind. Christian opened the car door for me and held his hand out. I gingerly placed mine over his and he helped me out like a true gentleman.

We walked into the diner hand in hand. I didn't miss the way everyone looked at us. Christian is just the most well known businessman in the technology world.

Some men looked at me and I felt Christian pull me a little closer. He lead us to a booth near the window. I wanted to sit across from him but instead he pulled me next to him.

"You sit next to me, always." He whispered to me. Our backs were now facing the window as the booth was semicircular.

The menus were on the table so I just tried to focus on that but Christian wasn't having any of it. "What would you like?" he asked right next to my ear.

I jumped. He chuckled. "I don't really want anything." I mumbled.

"That's okay. I'll just order for the both of us."

A waiter came up to us, right after he said that. "Hi my name is Jake and I'll be your waiter this morning. What can I get you?"

Wait, I know that voice. I looked up and met with familiar brown eyes. His widened at the same time mine did.





What the fuck. Chloe and this guy know each other? I didn't miss the way he was looking at her. I immediately wrapped my arm around her waist. That snapped her out of it. And him.

She jumped slightly but moved closer to me. "Can someone explain what's happening?" I demanded.

"Jake and I are old friends." was her brisk answer. She looked at me and hesitantly leaned upward.

"Can we get another waiter, please." she whispered in my ear. I nodded.

Looking over at the guy with cold eyes, I simply stated, "We'd like another waiter."

He seemed surprised but nodded and went away. Chloe rest her head on my chest but I noticed how hesitant she was to do so.

"You okay, Chloe?" I asked. She only nodded. Soon enough, another waiter came our way. I ordered waffles and milk for Chloe and I just settled for coffee.

"Why aren't you eating?" she asked. I glanced down at her and simply answered, "I'll eat later."

"Oh." Soon our orders were placed on the table before us. I took a sip of my coffee as I watched Chloe cut a small piece of the waffle, covered in syrup and put it in her mouth.

It was such an innocent action but had my mind racing 100 miles per hour. One particular thought gave me a little problem in the lower region.

To distract myself I put down the cup in my hand and pulled Chloe's plate between us. She looked up to me when I did.



Taking her fork, I cut a piece and held it up to her lips. Her eyes changed from questioning to surprise and I saw the blush rising to her cheeks.

She complied without complaint and allowed me to feed her. Focusing on getting food into her helped me calm down.

We spent a few silent minutes making sure she finished her plate. When she was done, I held her glass to her lips. She gingerly wrapped her hands around it and took it from me.

She drank all of it. She had a milk mustache on her upper lip. I chuckled and cleaned it off with a napkin. I was surprised she even let me do all this considering her reaction to me yesterday.

"Uh...umm...thank you, Christian." she mumbled. I didn't quite like the way she said my name. It was so formal.

I thumped her nose. She blinked up at me. "You can call me, Chris." Very slowly, she let a smile light up her face.

"Thank you.....Chris."


Hey guys. Sorry for the late update, been caught up with school and church and all kinds of madness. I'm juggling school, church and a relationship so give me a break here.

This chapter is just a filler to introduce a new character and give a little insight on how the couple is settling into their new relationship. Hope you guys enjoyed it.

Until next time,

My Best Friend's Brother: The Billionaire - Book 1[First Draft]Where stories live. Discover now