Chapter 8

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Luke's POV:

"Mr. Bryan?" "Mr. Bryan, do you know where you are?" I heard as I opened my eyes. I groaned. "Ughh, what happened?" I asked still trying to figure out where I was. Then it hit me. "Why am I at the hospital?" I asked the doctor. "You were mildly dehydrated, and the heat from the sun caused you to pass out." "Oh okay, where's my girlfriend?" I asked the doctor. I heard someone clear there throat and I looked over to that direction. "Hey baby! How are you feeling?" Danielle asked me. "I have a headache but other than that I'm okay." I said as I grabbed her hand and intertwined our fingers.

"Okay, Mr. Bryan, we're gonna push another bag of fluids through your IV and then you're free to go, also Miss. White, we're gonna need you to sign some release forms." "Okay, I'll be right back, baby." she said as she walked out of the room. I heard footsteps coming in the room and looked to see who it was. It was all the band members, Black Mike, Nikki, and Jordan. "Hey, Uncle Luke, how are you feeling?" Jordan asked me. "Okay, you guys didn't have to come here." I told them feeling bad about how I ruined the day. "Yeah, But we wanted too." Carter said. I smiled. "Thanks guys, I love y'all!" I said as Danielle walked back into the room. "Well, I see the group is all here." she said with a smile.

"Excuse me, could you take a picture?" she asked the nurse. "Of course!" she grabbed Danielle's phone and we all gathered around the hospital bed. "You're all set!" she said handing Danielle her phone. "Thanks!" "No problem!" She looked at the picture and smiled, "This is my new favorite picture." She said as she showed it to all of us. "Send that too me!" Jordan and Nikki said at the same time. "Just send it to all of us." I said as everyone said yeah.

"Alright, Mr.Bryan, you're free to go!" the doctor said taking my IV out. "Thanks!" I said getting up. I wobbled a bit but Danielle helped me. "Would you like someone to wheel you to your car?" "That's okay, I got this." Danielle said as she picked me up bridal style. The doctor laughed and we headed outside. When we got outside there was a ton of reporters and fans and photographers. "Excuse us!" Danielle yelled as everyone started taking pictures and asking us questions. No one answered any of the reporters as we walked to all of our cars. Danielle put me in the passengers seat of my truck and went over to the drivers seat. Black Mike, Nikki, and Carter hopped in the back seat. Jordan got in her truck with all of the band members.

Danielle's POV:

We pulled into the parking lot of the theater and I hopped out of the truck so I could help luke out. I walked over to his side and grabbed his hand as he hopped out. "Thank you, baby. For everything." Luke said as he kissed my lips passionately. "I'd do anything for you." I said and kissed him again. I heard Nikki and Jordan say awe and the boys say eww. I laughed and grabbed Luke's hand as we walked into the bus.

We sat down on the couch and Luke put his head on my shoulder. "What exactly happened?" He asked me. "Well we were sitting on the beach talking when all of the sudden you stopped responding to me. I took of your sunglasses and your eyes were closed, so I tried waking you up but you wouldn't even though you were breathing so I got the lifeguard and he called 9-1-1. I was freaking out and then they told us you were ok and that you were just dehydrated." I said

"Hey, Danielle and Luke, were gonna go back to the beach and get all of the stuff but you guys can stay here." Jordan said. "Okay, Thanks!" I said as she nodded. About 5 minutes later I went over to the window and checked to make sure they left, which they did.

I walked back over to Luke and straddled his lap. I kissed his lips passionately as he moaned into the kiss. He took my shirt off and threw it across the room as I did the same to him. He pulled off my shorts and managed to stroke me somehow making me moan. I shoved my hips against his and heard him growl. I slipped off his shorts and felt him grow harder as I ran my nails down his back.

In Love With Luke BryanWhere stories live. Discover now