Act 2

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Nermal: "Heyguysit'smeNermalohmanI'msocutedon'tyoulovemeOdie?"

Garfield whacks Nermal on the backside.

Nermal (rubbing his backside): "Oh sir I'm my most humble apology (but gravely love looks with the heart, not with the mind, and therefore, Cupid is blind Odie) I'm cute I love myself I'm selfish thy bacon-fed Garfield. "

Nermal hadst enough of this "whacking", so that gent hath decided that that gent wast going to sabotage Garfield's obsession with Odie.

Garfield goeth to the lavatory, while that wast happening, Nermal madeth a costume of Odie, and stuffed Odie in his closet, killing that gent instantly, luckily that gent hath stayed conscious. at which hour Garfield cameth out of the lavatory, that gent doth smell something suspicious.

Garfield (shrieking): DIDIST THEE MAKETH VEGAN LASAGNA?!?!?!?!?!

Nermal (who is in the Odie costume): Aye, what's wrong with that?

Garfield (whom thinks Nermal is Odie): Vegan is not the fore God, well spoken O-Dawg,

Nermal is thinking about his last sentence.

Garfield: Thee should wend and maketh a normal lasagna. 

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