The after mass of the war

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The war had just finished Harry had just killed Voldemort all the Weasleys were stood around fred weasley who was on the floor his twin lied over him crying. Every one thought he was dead. Everyone but hermione. She saw him move a little bit so she ran to his side to find a pulse in his arm "granger leave him alone he's dead" George cried as he dragged her off of his twin. She got out of George's grip and when to find his pulse and when she did she shouted over a healer "HEALER HEALER HES ALIVE WE NEED TO GET HIM TO St. Mungos NOW" the healer ran over all the Weasley gave her a puzzled look the healer checked fred pulse "yeah he's Alive let's get him to the hospital" everyone disapparated  to the hospital when hermione got there she was pulled into a bone crushing hug from Mrs Weasley "Thank you hermione Thank you for saving my sons life for bringing him here you truely are amazing" everyone stayed for a while then Mrs and Mr Weasley, Bill, Fleur, Percy and Charlie left leaving hermione and George with Fred " granger you can go now"
"George I'm not going anywhere go get some sleep".   "I'm not leaving Fred, granger"
"Fine then" and with that hermione turned his chair into a bed "now go to sleep george you have had a bad day" she sat down at the side of Fred and looked after him as George slept

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