7. Fighting

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Adam looked down at me. He look scared, with his eyes wide and mouth slightly open. "Adam? Your here?" I asked, shocked. Adam was a hybrid! "How do you know me?" he asked. "It's me, Tally! I'm alive. I'm here to help you." I called back. Adam just shook his head. "Who are you talking to?" some one asked. A boy with red hair, brown eyes, and pale skin looked out the window next to Adam. It was Jared. "Jared! It's me, Tally. I'm here to help you two get out." I called. "No, your not Tally." he said flatly. My flame was wearing out, the blaze rods falling on the ground, now sticks. They looked at me in surprise. "Tally? That's really you? How-" Adam started to say, before I cut him of. "We'll have to talk about it later." I said.

Juli was standing next to the wall already, her eyes closed and her mouth stiff. "What's she doing?" Jared asked. "Exploding. Just get away from the wall." I told them casually. Jared's eyes widened even more. "What!" he yelled. "Just get away from the wall." I told him. He and Adam backed away. Juli looked at the ground. I knew she was trying to scared. That's what worked last time. I saw here eyes shut tighter, and her hands start to shake. It was coming. Suddenly, her eyes and mouth opened. She held her stomach. She took in a deep breath, and exploded.

A gust of wind hit my face, but I was otherwise unaffected by the explosion. Juli stood in the middle of where the explosion was, unharmed. The stone wall was gone, and the two boys were pressed up on the cell wall, looking shocked. I heard a small alarm sound, with a red flashing light going off down the hallway. I grabbed Adam's arm, while Juli grabbed Jared's. "Come on, we gave to run." I said, pulling him with me as I ran. "Where are we going?" he asked. "A place." I told him. Adam looked like he wanted to say more, but stayed quiet. We ran down the village, watching people look out there window to see what was happening. I saw my mom's face look at me in surprise. I didn't stop running.

"Look out!" Juli yelled behind me. I looked to see guards from the lab running after us, swords and bows ready, covered in iron armor. One of them shot at me, but missed. I ran faster. One of the guards ran up to me and hit me with his golden sword. I felt pain in my back, where the sword hit. I let go of Adam. "Keep running. Follow Juli and Jared. I'll take care of these guys." I called, pulling my sword out of my pant leg. Adam ran to Juli and Jared as I turned around with my weapon ready. A guard ran to me with his sword. I put up my own weapon and blocked him from hitting me. He swung again, and I hit the sword again. As he swung the third time, I backed away. He fell as he swung out to me. As he hit the ground, I dug my sword into the grassy dirt, setting it on fire. I ran around him, making a ring of fire to hold him in. Another arrow was shot at me. I hit it with my sword, lighting it on fire. I ran to the man who shot at me, hitting his bow. It bursted into flames as the man dropped it. I hit him with the back of my sword, knocking him out. I looked at the guards. Most of them ran, not wanting to deal with me. Only one was still coming for me. I knew he was the head of the guards. He wore diamond armor and held a diamond sword. He ran at me, ready to kill. I ran to him, sword up. Our swords collided as we stopped in front of each other. We hit again as he swung for my legs, and again as he tried for my neck. He aimed for my chest, we hit again. This time, I moved to the left and slid by his legs. As I went by, I slashed his armor, leaving a scratch. I came up behind him and kicked him down before he could react. I hit him with the end of my sword on the back of the head, knocking him out. I stole his armor and weapon before making another fire ring to hold him in.

I had made my way back to base, carrying the armor and weapon from the head guard. Everyone looked at me as I walked in. I walked to my group of friends and dropped the armor and diamond sword, keeping my sword in my hand. "Here...take this...I keep....the iron sword..." I said panting. Everyone kept looking at me. "Did you...kill people?" Hollie asked after a second. I shook my head. "No, I didn't kill anybody." I said. Chloe looked over the armor and sword in front of her. "How did you get this?" she asked. "I knocked out the head guard. Stole his stuff." I said, sitting down. Adam and Jared were shaking all over, breathing deeply. "Where are we? How are you guys alive?" Adam asked quietly, looking at me, Juli and Cilia. Chloe gave her speech to the two boys, telling them about the HRC, how we survived, and what are goals are. Afterwards, the two started to look around. "You mean, every person here is a...hybrid?" Jared asked. Everyone nodded. "By the way, what hybrid are you two?" Cybel asked. "I'm a wither skeleton hybrid." Adam said. "And I'm a magma cube hybrid." Jared said. "We can sort through this stuff another day. Right now, we need to rest. Mostly everyone else is already asleep, so we should do the same." Owen said. We all found a small area to sleep, and relaxed. I closed my eyes, and fell into a deep sleep.

I woke up later in the night to a loud banging noise. My first thought was that the villagers found us again, and were sending in more bombs. I quickly looked to the sky. But, instead of bombs, I saw fireworks. Blues and reds covered the sky in beautiful explosions of color. One after another, some in the shape of creeper faces or giant circle in the sky. "Whoa." I quiet voice said. I turned to see Chloe watching the sky. "They never do fireworks. I wonder what's going on over there." I said. Chloe nodded. "It's been so long since I've seen them." she said. I went back to the sky, only to hear more voices. "Wow, look at them!" "I didn't know they still did these." "What the- whoa..." "Look at that one!" people cried around me. Soon, all of us were awake, looking at the sky, watching the fireworks go. They went for a good hour or so before stopping. Distant cheering could be heard from the village. "Why would they be cheering?Aren't they scared or worried. I mean, we just confirmed that us hybrids are still out there." Cybel said. Everyone mumbled there own questions. I shook my head. "Let's just get some sleep." I said, curling up on the ground. I feel asleep almost instantly.

I was running through the jungle. I pushed branches and vines out of my way. I did a quick look behind me. The group of guards were close behind, running with there swords out. None of them had bows. The swords were blood stained with the blood of my friends. I don't know if any of them survived. I ran as fast as I could, but the guards were faster. I heard screams echo in my head. The screams of my friends I couldn't save. The guards got closer and closer. I was running out of breath, and was slowing down. I tried to climb a nearby tree, but I was too late. One of the swords went through my stomach. I fell out of the tree I was trying to climb, hitting the cold ground below. The guard that stabbed me stood over me. A small smirk spread on his face as he looked at me. He looked like my doctor, with the same hair and eyes. "Get up." he said in Zack's voice. I couldn't move. "Come on, wake up. We got stuff to do." he said again. I felt something moving my arm. I looked at the doctor, confused.

I woke up to Zack looking at me, shaking my arm, holding a stone shovel. My dream was still fresh in my head. It took me a second to realize it was just a dream. "Wake up already." he said. I sat up. "I'm up, I'm up. What do you need?" I said. "We start digging today. We need you to help out." he said, pointing to the rest of us. Everyone was digging a large hole with shovels and pickaxes. Some of us were still asleep, but most were awake, digging. "Got it. I'll be there in a second." I said, stretching my arms. Zack nodded, then walked back to the hole, next to Selina. I stood up and rubbed my face with both hands. That dream was so real for me. My back even hurt where the dream guard had stabbed me. I walked to a small pile of tools for digging. I was hungry, craving a pice of fruit or something to eat. But, I knew, we were low on food. We could only have so much food a day. Some people had already gone looking for food yesterday, but didn't find much. Some apples, a few cows and chicken that they killed and a few seeds for a farm were all they could find. It kept us alive, why am I complaining?

I grabbed my wooden shovel and walked to the digging area, next to Jared and Adam. Sweat was going down there face, with there mouths open. "Tired?" I asked as I pushed my shovel into the dirt. The two just nodded. "Don't worry, once we're done digging out our base, you get to use your hybrids powers!" I said. They nodded again.

After a few hours of digging, everyone wanted a break. We had gotten past the dirt, and were now digging through stone. The sun was high in the sky, with a few small clouds spotted around. I leaned on the short wall we made and wiped the sweat off my face. My wooden shovel broke, so I was holding a stone picaxe. My mouth was dry and sticky. I desperately needed a drink. Selina walked to see me. "You ok?" she asked. "Just need a drink." I said. "Break time!" someone yelled. Everybody started to make there way to the surface for food and drink. "Would you look at that. We better hurry before everything's gone." Selina said. I nodded and fallowed her up to the surface.

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