A Walk In The Park (Fluff/Jacksepticeye)

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A/N: I actually wrote this one in English class...hehe...why...? Anyway, enjoy! It might be short tho.


I was walking around town on a beautiful day. It was sunny, barely a cloud in the sky, and very bright out. I had a blue leash in my hand that attached to the collar on my little golden retriever named Corbyn. I walked over to a bench in the dog park, with him happily trotting along behind me. I sat down, and started petting Corbyn's stomach.

I looked up briefly and saw a man walking towards me. He had a pink collar in his hand that lead to his puppy. He had dark brown hair, and some slight facial hair as well. He gave me a smile as he sat down next me. I looked down at Corbyn to see him looking at his dog.

It was quiet for a while, except for the two of our dogs parking and playing with each other. But then, he finally spoke.

"What a beautiful day!" The man said. He sounded Irish.

"Sure is!" I replied. "Cute puppy!"

"Thanks. Her name is Rosie. What's yours?"

"His name is Corbyn." I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear as I looked down at the dogs. They were rolling around on the ground with each other, barking, and play biting each other.

"I think they like each other." The man said with a laugh. "Hey, my name's Sean."

"I'm Y/N. Nice to meet you!" I said with a smile.

"Maybe we can, if you want, have our dogs meet up with each other one day?"

"Is that code for us to hang out one day?" I laughed.

He nodded. I blushed. "Yeah..." He answered while blushing as well.

"I'd be okay with that." I answered.

"W-well, let me give you my number, and we can plan something. We can go to the coffee shop or something."

"That sounds great!" I said. We then exchanged numbers. He stood up, giving me a cute smile and wave before walking away.

Omg...I thought. He's so cute!

My thoughts were interrupted by Corbyn barking at me.

"Oops, sorry buddy. C'mon, let's go." I stood up and walked back home.

(That night....)

I walked into my bedroom, ready to collapse onto my bed, until I saw Corbyn sprawled out on it so there was barely any room for me. I sighed, but laughed.

"Corbyn, if you could move, that would be great." I said as I started sitting on my bed where he was. He didn't move until he finally got the memo for him to move. He walked over so he was only on one side of the bed, and I had the perfect amount of room now.

"Thank you." I said to him. He barked and cuddled up next to me in response.

"I love you too, Corbyn." Then, I heard my phon go off. I sighed.

Now who could be texting me at this hour? I thought as I rolled over and grabbed my phone.

I couldn't believe it! It was a text from Sean! He texted first...is that good? I think it's good.

(Text conversation, Y=Y/N, S=Sean)

S: Hey! Idk if you're asleep, but I thought I'd text you real quick. 😝

Y: I'm not asleep. I was just laying in bed with Corbyn. But, hello!

S: Hey! I was thinking that maybe we could go out tomorrow.

Y: Alright! Where do you wanna go?

S: Idk...hehe...

S: Where do you wanna go?

Y: I was afraid you'd ask that...Idk either.

S: Lol. Maybe we can go to the movies? There's a super funny movie that just came out yesterday.

Y: Sounds great! What time?

S: I think it starts at 12:45. Does that sound good?

Y: That's perfect! I'll just drop Corbyn off at the doggy daycare.

S: I'll do the same with Rosie. I guess I'll see you tomorrow?

Y: Most definitely. See ya tomorrow. Goodnight! 😊

S: Night!

(End of conversation)

I set my phone back down on my nightstand, and blushed as I looked up at the ceiling.

Do I like him? I asked myself.

"Hey Corbyn?" I said as I looked at him. He propped his head up and looked at me.

"Do I like Sean?" He started licking my arm in response.

"I don't know what that means, but whatever." I laughed. I rolled over again and cuddled with Corbyn. I slowly closed my eyes and easily fell asleep.

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