Dirty Discord (Smut/Jacksepticeye)

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This might be a bit short.


Here I am...another night, sitting alone at home as Jack is still gone and on his tour. God I miss him so much. I miss the humour and jokes, the hugs, the cuddles, the kisses...

The sex.

Jack and I were a very sexually active couple, and it was at least twice every week or so when we'd fuck. And boy, was it fun! But he's been gone for a about a month, so I guess I have no choice. And besides, I don't wanna get in the way of his work. His loves his fans so much, and wants to do something special for them. So if Sean's happy, I'm happy.

It was late at night, about 11:30, and I was just playing around on my laptop, mostly watching Jack's videos, when I get a Discord video call. It's Jack! I smile and quickly pause the video before answering the call.

"Hey, baby!!" Jack said happily. He smiled and waved at me. I could tell that he was sitting in his bed as well. His shirt was off, and I blushed. I was only in the F/C nightgown that Jack got me for my birthday last year.

"Hi babe! God I miss you so much! I miss you to no end, everyday." I replied.

"I miss you too, so much. More than you know." He winked at me, and I blushes.

"You don't know how much I've missed you, trust me~." I said with a flirtatious tone. I decided to change the subject before we got too carried away. "So how have the tour shows been?"

But Jack, being the jackass that he can be sometimes, brought us right back to the topic.

"How much have you missed me?" He said, his voice lower. I crossed my legs, feeling myself start to dampen. I swallowed hard.

"Like I said, to no end." I let out a shakey breath.

"Well, I can tell you that I've missed you so much, I've woken up from a few wet dreams." His expression changed from his regular smile, to a seductive grin. "Have you touched yourself at all while I'm gone, kitten~?"

I shyly curled up a little on the bed. "M-maybe a few times..." I blushed.

"Don't worry, lass. Don't think I haven't..." He smirked. "In fact, take off the pretty little nightgown of yours."

I smiled. "As long as you take off your clothes too."

"Of course, baby~" He set down his computer and took off his shirt, showing off his pale, yet chiseled abs and chest, and even a little of his v-line. Finally he ditched his beans and boxers, letting his already hard member spring out. He sat back down and put his computer on his lap, giving me a great view of his face and his dick.

"My turn~" I said, setting my computer at the end of the bed. I slowly pulled off the silk nightgown, throwing it somewhere on the floor. I was already wearing no bra. All I had was my panties on.

"God, I should just get on a plane right now to fuck you right there." Jack said as he slowly started to jerk himself off.

I giggled as I pulled down my panties, that were now soaked, and threw those onto the floor as well. I made sure that my camera would see everything as I laid down, my legs wide open as I looked at Jack with a grin, my hand already wanting to snake down my body and start rubbing.

"God...look at that tight, wet, pussy." Jack said, still jerking himself.

"Baby, may I start now?" I pleaded.

"Yes, of course."

"Thank you!" I blew him a kiss before sliding my hand down my stomach and rubbing soft and slow figure-eights on my clit. I breathed out heavily, moaning softly.

"You're gonna do whatever I tell you to, understand~?"

"Yes, baby~!" I said, starting to rub a little faster.

"I didn't tell you to speed up."

I slowed back down...

I kept my eyes open as best as I could, and looked at Jack with pleading eyes. "Baby, will you moan for me...? And may I please go faster...?"

"Of course, baby. Rub faster!" Jack said, following up with a small grunt as he started to go faster as well.

"Stick two fingers in yourself." Jack said, sounding like he's starting to run out of breath.

I did as I was told and stuck my middle and ring finger inside me, starting to pump fast. I squeezed my breast first, and then slid it back down to my pussy, rubbing my clit again.

"Fuck~Jack!!" I yelled.

"God, baby, I love you so much!" He groaned and I bit my lip.

"I love you too~. J-Jack, I-I..." I couldn't form the rest of the sentance.

"I know, baby. Y-you're close. I am t-too. ~Ugh~ Fuck!" He said.

"J-Jack! I-I can't h-hold it m-much longer!!" I pumped and rubbed as fast as I could, becoming a moaning mess, arching my back. I heard Jack start to groan uncontrollably, and I knew that he'd hit his climax. His sounds, or as I like to say his music, sent me off the edge and I came all over my hands and fingers, squealing and moaning at the top of my lungs.

"Oh...fuck!!" I yelled as I took my hands away from my pussy, and giggled tiredly.

"You alright, kitten?" I heard Jack ask, breathlessly.

I nodded. "Yeah. You?"

"More than okay. Though, I kinda made myself a mess." He chuckled, and I tiredly sat up as best as I could. Jack's abs and chest was covered in his own cum. A little bit of it was even in his stubble on his chin. I giggled at him as he laughed as well.

"If it makes you feel any better, I now have laundry to do tomorrow." I glanced down at the sheets that were soaked with my cum as well.

"If only we were with each other to clean up our messes." He winked.

"Shut up, you goof. Go shower and get your jizz off of you. I'm gonna do the same."

Jack smiled. "Okay, baby. I love you, and I'll talk to you tomorrow after the show."

"Alright, bye-bye!" I waved, and ended the call. I closed my computer, putting it back where it was earlier, and stood up, staring down at the sheets.

Damn it...I just did laundry!

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