Ch. 4// suicidal

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"Ummm guys." Taylor says
We all turn our attention to him.
"Ummm Anya forgave us except Matt. She says he overdid it." Taylor said with a frown
"Honestly that's not really a good thing that she forgives us because Matt is always with us and she will ignore or won't even get near him." Sam says
My eyes started getting glossy. I ran up to the bathroom. I saw a rope in there perfect! I made a knot then put it around my neck loosely. I tie it to the ceiling and then I will just dangle. She won't forgive me. What's the point on life. I remember her words before we dated: I don't like holding grudges. I like giving people chances.
Now I'm starting to shed tears. I put one foot off of the counter. I know I tell my fans not to do this but I have a good reason now. My love of my life doesn't and will never forgive me.
Someone opens the door.
"WHAT THE FUCK MATT!!" Rebecca screams and run downstairs
I quickly slide my other foot off and jut dangle there. I still had some consciousness so I saw Rebecca come in with a knife and slice the rope and take the rope off of my neck. Why is she doing this? I thought she was on Anya's side.
"I'm doing it because you're a friend. Anya may not like you. Does that sentence say that I don't like you as a friend? Maybe bestfriend?" She replies softly
I guess I said it aloud. She was the only one that heard I guess it's fine. I could feel her piggyback carry me downstairs.
"Woah what happened to Matt?" Trevor sang
"He tried hanging himself." Rebecca said quietly
"I-is I-it-" Taylor got cut off my Rebecca
"Yeah it's because of the text Anya sent." She said somewhat sad
"Why are you here?" I managed to get out
"Well Anya wanted me to tell you than I had to go to the bathroom." I nodded
Does she really hate me? Now I know how she felt when we bullied her.
"Yeah she had the same feeling of suicide but she forgave you guys about that a long time ago." Rebecca said laying me down on the couch
I should stop saying my thoughts aloud...
The door opens and closes again. Than I see all of the girls besides Anya look at me in shock.
"Suicide?" One of them asked Rebecca
She nods.
"Text." She hints
They all nod.
"Well she had to go the boxing gym and smash some punching bags to relieve some stress. Her fans are fighting Matt's fans because apparently they know about this whole situation. But her fans are winning because she obviously has more and Matt's fans don't know what to say back just stay silent..." I think Andrea says in sadness
"We support her because she is our sister but this is getting too far. The fans shouldn't be involved." Karina stated
"C-can y-you g-guys g-grab my p-phone." I stuttered
They handed me my phone and everyone else that was popular (Rebecca Andrea Victoria Jenn magcon o2L and Lia) tweeted to stop fighting. We are trying to resolve this on our own.
I admit Anya has more fans than me and her fans can take down my fans. She obviously has more power than me on the social media charts.
I saw her tweet sort of the same thing:
@heyitsanya hey guys. I know you it's support me but please don't get involved in this situation. This is a situation between O2L Magcon 26mgmt and their girlfriends. Just please stay out of this but I still love you and the support.
I looked at the comments and it understood on how this is a personal matter between us.
"Ok since the fans are backing out I guess we can make sure Anya is breaking the bags not people." Jasmine said and the girls walked out
"Did you see Anya's tweet?" Trevor sang again....
"Ummm yeah." I say tearing up again
"Why did you attempt to commit suicide? You tell your fans not to all the time." Connor says
I kicked the door open, not even picking my phone back up, and ran to my house and ran to my room. I sat in there and cried while looking out of the window. I kept on thinking about Anya.
Our first date. My asking her to be my girlfriend. Just memories of love that I thought was going to be forever but now I realize love is never forever. She honestly has a good reason to hate my guts. She doesn't have a good reason to hate the rest. Well good thing she forgave them. I messed up so many times that even god doesn't know how many times. Now I lost her. And maybe lost her forever.

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