Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Chelsea's Point Of View

"Morning." Brandon murmurs when I walk past the dining room. "Chelsea, you have mail." Oliver says and I walk into the dining room.

He pass me a big box, "who was it from?" I asks, placing it on the empty spot of the table. "Not sure." Blake replies. I open the box. And take out the bubble wrap, "oh, bubble wrap!" Niall says. "Hey, I want it." I mumbled.

"For what?" Gabe asks, raising his eyebrows. "To pop it." I replied, taking out more bubble wrap. My eyes widen at the shiny object. "What is it?" Jake asks. I took it out carefully, "the crown of Skulls island." I replied.

"There's a letter in it," I mumbled. I put the crown on Angela's head and she giggles, trying to look at it. Her tongue stick out, "aw, she's so cute." Michael says.

I took out the letter, "dear Queen of Skulls island, the queen's crown has been pass down for generations. This crown is only for Chelsea Collins. And no one else, the crown can't be put on anyone else's head.." I read out loud. 

I took the crown back from Angela and put it back in the box. "Hey!" Angela frowns at me, "hey, don't you hey me." I frown back at her. 

"Yeah, totally taking over Chelsea." Blake mumbles, drinking his coffee. "And, we hope you can come back to Skulls Island. We all miss you so much." I added, "love Skullies." My eyebrows furrowed. "Skullies, seriously?" I look at Blake.

"It's a cute name." Blake shrugs, "I'm not going back to Skulls island." I stated. "Why not? It's a beautiful place." Harry says. 

"I just don't want to go there." I say, seeing some plane tickets in the box. "Guys, we're going to Amsterdam tonight.." I mumbled.

"What for?" Jake asks. "Who cares? It's a free trip." I say, putting it on the table. "It's your turn to drive the little ones to school." Harry reminds me, "ok come on," I say, grabbing my car keys. 


"Come on, Gabe." I call out to him, Gabe waves goodbye to his friends who is wearing cleats. Then a girl stopped him, "who is she?" Luke asks. After picking all of them up, we're going for tacos or pizza. 

"I have no idea," I replied, looking at the girl biting down her bottom lip. "She totally want him to kiss her." Luke says, "how lip biting leads to kissing?" I asks.

"It may be a turn on for some guys." Luke replies, I stare at him. "You're ridiculous." I look back at Gabe and the girl. I laugh, "Gabe looks so umcomfortable." I stated. 

"Gabriel Collins!" I shouted, hitting the car horn. Gabe turns to me and shot me a glare, "oh my god, it's Chelsea Collins!" A teen boy pointed at me. "And Luke Hemmings!" A group of girls scream, Gabe quickly runs in the car.

I start the car engine and drove off. "Who was that girl?" I asks, "why did you shout my full name?" He asks. "I asked you first." I snap at him.

"That girl was trying to Calum's phone number, so technically she was flirting." Gabe replies, "oh." I muttered. "So why did you shout my full name?" He asks, "just to see that look on your face." I replied, chuckling. 

I stop outside Rue and Max's school, Max runs in. "Hey, where's Rue?" I asks. "There." Max pointed outside. Rue is hiding at the side, staring at a guy. 

"Why is she there?" Gabe asks, "ugh, she is crushing on that guy." Max says with a disgust look on his face. "Why isn't she talking to him?" Luke asks, "they don't even know each other, they're not even in the same classes together." Max says.

"Come on, Rue!" Max shouted, "Chelsea Collins!" I look away. Rue scoots in, "who's that kid?" I asks, starting the car engine once again.

"What kid?" Rue instantly blushes, "yeah, that's what i thought." I mumbled. "You know in high school, Chelsea can get any boys." Eugene says, "shut up." I say, stopping at Hazel and Angela's school.

"TELL!" Gabe, Max and Rue exclaims. "Well, Chelsea have this crush on the soccer team captain." Eugene started off.

I groan, leaning my head back. "And we were having our training, Chelsea broke her ankle on purpose." Eugene chuckles. "Wow, you like him that much?" Luke asks. "I was 15 and stupid," I stated. "20 and still is," Eugene says. 

I turn around and glare at him, they all laugh. "Anyway, she told me the plan so I told the captain to go for her aid." Eugene says. "And that's how the captain and her go on a date and got an acting career." Eugene says.

"So you want me to join the soccer team?" Rue asks, "you're good at soccer but not good enough." Max  says to her. "Max." I say sternly. 

"Fall in front of him purposely?" Rue raise her eyebrows, "yes!" The boys all shouted. "No!" I snap. "Just say hi to him, be friends with him." I say. Max laugh out loud, "not until she faints and yells, I love Michael Clifford." Max says.

Rue slap his arm, "ow! You got Chelsea's hand.." Max frowns. "They're out." Eugene says, walking out the car. 


"Can't believe we can't have tacos in peace." I mumbled, walking in the house. "Why must you be famous?" I frown at Luke, "says the one who is legendary." Luke knit his eyebrows together.

"Would you guys stop fighting?" Gabe asks, we step into the place. We're on our way to Amsterdam. "Shut up, Gabriel." I say to him, "you're so rude." Shane says. "Hey!" A wide grin appear on my face and I quickly hug him. 


We reach a place where there is a lake and boats. "This is going to Instagram." Harry says, taking a picture and choosing a fitler. 

He then looks at his caption, "Amstergram!" He exclaims. I look at him, "are you kidding me?" I asks. "No, I'm adulting you." Harry smiles at me innocently.

"You're so lame." Louis says to him, a wide grin appear on Harry's face when he post it. He chuckles, "try to beat that!" He exclaims. I took out my phone and log in into my non-active instagram account.

We took a group picture then I write the caption. "@harry_styles is a confirmed dweeb. -Everyone from Skulls." 

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